Friday, December 27, 2019

Defining a Hero Essay - 2179 Words

To the world today, a hero is someone distinguished by exceptional courage, nobility, or strength; but really, anyone can be a hero. A hero can vary from someone as well-known as George Washington to someone as unheard of as anyone’s very own mother. Someone who has done a good deed for someone else is hero. The biggest heroes are the ones in well-known books and plays, such as Odysseus from The Odyssey, or have made a huge difference in the history of this world, like Mahatma Gandhi. Siddhartha Gautama is a hero, but not in the same way Odysseus or Gandhi are. Although these three influential people went through different journeys in order to accomplish different things, they are all heroes in their own way and have been through the same†¦show more content†¦At the conclusion of his journey, Odysseus is a better person, having conquered his own mental restraints, and he returns home to use his new self-understanding of being a better king, husband, father, and son. O n the other hand, the journey of Siddhartha Gautama was spiritual, and he also met with several obstacles and crises. He had a family and had never seen the sickly, elderly, or dead before, and when he did, he immediately began to try to discover how to overcome suffering. The journey of Mahatma Gandhi was also spiritual. He was very faithful to God and his own country, even after facing so many troubles. He freed India from the British without the use of violence. Odysseus faced several obstacles and went through many tests on his way home from the Trojan War. Odysseus’ first obstacle—the Island of the Cicones—was because of his greed. He stopped here to raid it for supplies, and him and his men looted a lot of goods and split it amongst themselves. In spite of this, they were greedy, which compelled them to stay in town and collect every last bit they can; however, the Cicones attacked on horseback and killed 72 of Odysseus’ men. From this obstacle, he learns not to be greedy in victory. One of his most difficult trials was when he encountered the Island of the Cyclopes. He and his men found a Cyclops’ cave; however, they were trapped inside of it by Polyphemus, the Cyclops. (Necessary) ïÆ'   Odysseus could notShow MoreRelatedDefining the Tragic Hero Essay632 Words   |  3 PagesA tragic hero is the main character in a tragedy story. He is the main theme. He is the source behind the main issues of the plot and some major points maybe cleared by observing his actions and nature. The tragic hero is always larger than life, a person of action whose decisions determine the fate of others. He is a man who is superior then the average person, a character of noble stature and greatness. Though the tragic hero is pre-eminently great, he is not perfect. Otherwise, the audienceRead MoreDefining a Hero in Shakespeares Macbeth1308 Words   |  5 Pagesdefines a tragic hero, he or she may claim that it is a hero of high class that possesses unprecedented courage and exceedingly strength; thus, a hero who also suffers a calamity of their own downfall and ultimate death through their tragic flaw. Their downfall not only causes infliction on oneself, but also inflicts the society. This can be seen and heavily stressed through William Shakespeare’s tragedy, Macbeth. In his play, the reader comes across Macbeth, a noble and honorable hero, wh o ranks highlyRead More Defining Heroism - What Makes a True Hero? Essay857 Words   |  4 PagesThis point of view can best be explained using three key points of focus. These points are as follows: The similarity of a higher guidance in times of need, the similarity of the code of honor that they live by, and the fact that no matter who the hero is, he or she is under pressure to be a successful role model.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The similarity of higher guidance in times of need is the easiest and most direct of all the three factors. Most heroes, but not all, live their lives in allegiance to God or anotherRead MoreWho Is A Hero?928 Words   |  4 PagesWho Defines a Hero? A hero can be a hard thing to define. There are so many defining qualities in a hero that it is a vague term. Go around and ask what people feel are the defining qualities of their hero and their answer could be vastly different from the person with who chose the same hero. But, people can give a generally idea of what a hero should be. But what are those qualities that people consider heroic? 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Comic publications such as Marvel Comics and competitor D.C. Comics have created cape wielding, web casting, and morphing characters that often transpose the understanding of what makes a true hero. In addition to comics, television has played a part in defining a hero by shows such as; James Cameron’s productionRead MoreHbo : Sports And Sports1118 Words   |  5 Pagesabout why they love sports. Sports Illustrated, Endgame entertainment, and HBO asked Americans why different games and memorable moments in sports touched their lives. Thousands of fans responded with their incredible stories (Sport in America: Our Defining Stories). The film shows personal stories from fans across the country who have witnessed sports most extraordinary events. The film tells the world about memorable events in American sports, such as baseball, tennis, football, hockey, boxing, basketballRead MoreSports : Sports And Sports1092 Words   |  5 Pagesabout why they love sports. Sports Illustrated, Endgame entertainment, and HBO asked Americans why different games and memorable moments in sports touched their lives. Thousands of fans responded with their incredible stories (Sport in America: Our Defining Stories). The film shows personal stories from fans across the country who have witnessed sports most extraordinary events. The film tells the world about memorable events in American sports, such as baseball, tennis, football, hockey, boxing, basketballRead MoreUnsung Hero Essay715 Words   |  3 PagesUnsung Hero Defining the word hero is difficult. The dictionary states that a hero is any person admired for courage, nobility, or exploits, especially in war. For most people, the definition of hero is left to interpretation. Some people believe a hero is an exceptional athlete, but others think it is the local cop that made the news for a job well done. It is all up to the individual who is defining what a hero is. Jan Karski is a hero for several reasons; he proved to be courageous, demonstrated

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Hitler´s Plan The Final Solution Essay - 588 Words

We learn about the Holocaust to learn what is right and wrong and to remember the people who died. The main reason we learn about the Holocaust is so it does not happen again. Hitler was born in Austria, but was a German soldier. He was thrown in jail by the Nazi government for trying to overthrow it. While he was imprisoned he wrote a book called Mein Kampf, which tranlates to my struggle in English. Soon after he finished the book he was let out of jail early for good behavior. After that he slowly tried to make his way up the government. Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933. Hitler and his right hand man, Himmler, came up with a plan called The Final Solution. The Final Solution was a plan to eliminate all of the Jews in†¦show more content†¦Gypsies from Rome, were also on the Undesirable list. Although they were not specifically mentioned in the Nuremburg Laws, just like jews their civil rights were taken away. They were put into ghettos first, then sent to concentration and extermination camps. In all, hundreds of thousands were killed during the Holocaust. There were other people who died in the Holocaust besides Jews and Gypsies, but they made up most of the people who died. The poles and other Slavs, political dissidents and dissenting Clergy, persons with physical or mental dissabilities, Jehovahs witnesses, homosexuals, and some other victims like German Africans, made up about 4 million of the 11 million in the Holocaust. Most of the people killed in the Holocaust were killed at an extermination camp or at a concentration. An extermination camp like Aushwitz, is a camp where you are going to be killed. A concentration camp like Westbrook, is a work camp where you recycle bullets and some other works. Some people died of exaustion. The other people who did not go to any camps were shot and killed where they lived. World War II started in 1938. We entered the war in 1941 because the Japenese forces attacked our largest naval base, Pearl Harbour in Hawaii, we then attacked Germany on the beaches of Germany. This day is known as D-day. Alot of our men did not even make it on the beach. In !945 Germany surrendered and we won the war. Anne Frank is a young girl who lived throughShow MoreRelatedWhy National Socialist Germany Killed Millions Of Jews1656 Words   |  7 Pages#1 When it comes to interpreting the Final Solution, there are two main schools of thought that provide different explanations for how and why National Socialist Germany killed millions of Jews. The first interpretation is the functionalist view, which explains the Final Solution as something that came about by the chaotic and anarchical nature of the Nazi state. It places much importance on improvisation and radicalization. While acknowledging that Hitler played a key role, this view sees Hitler’sRead MoreHitler s Ideology And The Nazi Bureaucracy1674 Words   |  7 PagesIntentionalists stress the consistency, sequence and persistence of the Nazi s anti-Jewish policies as a clear indication that the genocide we call the Holocaust was a top-down affair implemented in accord with Adolf Hitler s absolute will. Functionalists however argue that the genocide resulted from a number of factors including the compounding failures of the Nazi bureaucracy, these historians de-emphasiz e Hitler s ideology and focus on Nazi bureaucrats motivated by banal careerism. This essayRead MoreThe Effects Of Jews On Jewish Population During The Nazi Regime1119 Words   |  5 Pagesbeing researched, and it concerns the Final Solution of the Nazis concerning the Jews. On January 20th 1942, 15 leading officials of the Nazi state met at a villa in Wannsee, a suburb of Berlin, to discuss the â€Å"Final solution of the Jewish Question† (â€Å"The Final Solution,† 2015). They used the term â€Å"Final Solution† to refer to their plan to annihilate the Jewish people. It is not known when the leaders of Nazi Germany definitively decided to implement their plan to eradicate the Jews† (â€Å"United StatesRead MoreThe Persecution Of The Jewish People1105 Words   |  5 Pagesreason that the persecution of the Jewish people was a progression of radical policy ,of an entire group of people, due to the perceived failings of the Nazis previous racial policies. Section 2 Introduction - Nazi Regime began in 1933 when Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany - 6 million Jews had been killed by the end of the Nazi regime - Both Intentionalists and Functionalists have there valid scholarly and ethical points - Notable Intentionalists –Gerald Fleming, Andreas HillgruberRead MoreHitler s Influence On The World War II1690 Words   |  7 PagesAdolf Hitler was a very impressive man in some people’s eyes, but his life took one major roller coaster before he gained the power that he had. As a young child Hitler seemed to not want to join the military, but once he, did he found a path leading to his future. Hitler worked his way through the war and seemed to start gaining power. Once Hitler was at the top, he started to terminate people by sending them to concentration camps scattered around the country, quickly killing thousands. Hitler’sRead MoreThe Ss And The Nazi World War II1117 Words   |  5 PagesThe SS, or Schutzstaffel, played a variety of roles before and during World War II, showing their loyalty to Hitler and patriotism. From their beginning as personal bodyguards of about eight men, to being an elite organization with police units and special forces, these â€Å"men in black† used their power to become the most powerful men in Germany. The SS proceeded with mass killings and watched over concentration camps. They did Hitler’s â€Å"dirty work.† In 1929, Heinrich Himmler took control of the SSRead MoreEssay on The Change of Nazis Treatment of the Jews From 1939-451341 Words   |  6 PagesThe Change of Nazis Treatment of the Jews From 1939-45 Hitler and the Nazi party managed to kill six million Jews throughout Europe by the end of 1945. This systematic process of killing between the years 1939 and 1945 is known as the holocaust. There were five key issues that led to the Wansee conference that took place in 1942 before the Nazis decided upon the final solution to the Jewish problem. These events included the outbreak of World War II, Hitlers personalRead MoreHy3 Personal Sources Pack1122 Words   |  5 Pagesagainst the Jews.’ Pack Created by: Ryan Buckle Attributions in normal text and sources are in boxes with italic writing. History HY3 sources Intentionalist Document 9 Speech delivered by Hitler in Salzburg, 7 or 8 August 1920. (NSDAP meeting) Source: D Irving, The War Path: Hitler s Germany 1933-1939. Papermac, 1978, p.xxi The following quotation is from a shorthand transcript. This is the first demand we must raise and do [reversal of the Versailles Treaty provisions]:Read MoreHow and Why Did Hitler Kill the Jews1061 Words   |  5 Pagesdid Hitler persecute the Jews ? How,why and with what results did Hitler persecute the Jews ? Hitler made them numerous promises and used many techniques of propaganda. Through Hitlers entire regime , Hitler’s main goal was to persecute the jews. The Jews were severely mistreated by Hitler and his numerous followers. The inflicting of suffering, harassment, isolation, imprisonment, fear, or pain are all factors that established persecution of the Jews. There are various reason why Hitler wantedRead MoreThe Holocaust : The Destruction Of The Jews1717 Words   |  7 Pagesother minorities the Germans deemed inferior (The Holocaust Chronicle Appendices). The Holocaust began with the boycott of Jewish businesses, and ended in camps such as Auschwitz. The destruction of the Jews was made possibly with the rise of Adolf Hitler to power, as he and his fellow Nazi followers attempted to exterminate the Jewish populace of Europe. In the paragraphs to follow I will attempt to explain the reasons, as well as the implications of the Holocaust. Hitler’s determination to return

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Digital Technology Gives Far More the Noteworthy Adaptability

Question: Why Do Computers Use Binary Numbers? Answer: Introducation: The digital age has enabled computers to have the tremendous figuring power that they do. Digital technology gives far more noteworthy adaptability than can simple technology in light of the fact that by only changing an arrangement of composed directions by means of programming, for all intents and purposes unbounded utilizations for computers can be made. The way the computer perceives the code made by developers is through binary documentation, which is reliable with the very way of the computer's digital electronics. As far as systems configuration, programming is the way of interpreting the policy particulars that are set up amid the outline period of the system improvement lifecycle into program code (Underwood, 2001). A computer is worked with numerous associations and components, which are utilised to exchange and store information, and additionally, speak with different parts. The vast majority of that is putting away, transferring, and conveying occurs with digital electron ics. Each computer is comprised of numerous electronic components. That is the reason a basic information of Electronics is expected to see how and why binary numbers are utilised as a part of computers. The binary system represents 0 and 1. Digital electronics use the binary system as on or off. A flag through a progression of on or off heartbeats is equivalent to a number of binary. In electronics, a voltage level or current stream is an approach to speak to an esteem. For instance, 5V or 0.5A. The producers of electronic gadgets could, apparently, allocate any implying that they need to various voltage values (Why do computers use binary numbers?, 2017). Cyber Computing. (2015).Linux Operating System. [online] Available at: Linux is most direct terms, an Operating System. It is the thing on a PC that connects with applications and the PC administrator to get to the contraptions on the PC to perform searched for points of confinement. The Operating System or OS trades rules from an application to, for example, the PC's processor. The processor plays out the informed undertaking, then sends the results back to the application utilizing the Operating System. Cleared up in these terms, Linux is on a very basic level the same as other Operating Systems. Notwithstanding, something isolates Linux from these Operating Systems (Cyber Computing, 2015). The Linux Operating System addressed a $24 billion ecosystem in the season of 2008. Since its root in the season of 1991, Linux has created to twist up recognizably a force in handling, driving everything from the New York Stock Exchange to mobile phones to supercomputers to purchaser devices. As an open Operating System, Linux is made agreeably, which implies no o ne association is only responsible for its progression or ceaseless support. Associations are appreciating the Linux economy share research and progression costs with their accessories and adversaries. This spreading of change weight among individuals and associations has achieved a tremendous and compelling ecosystem and unheralded programming headway. As its name recommends, Linux is, for all functional purposes, a version of UNIX, and present day versions of Linux are designed to be POSIX consistent. From the perspective of an accomplished UNIX client, accordingly, it is anymore not the same as most restrictive versions of UNIX, for example, IBM's AIX and Sun's Solaris than the different exclusive versions are from each other. In any case, Linux is, in my experience, far less demanding to use "out of the crate" than any exclusive version of UNIX, incompletely because it accompanies such a variety of important projects as of now installed. A large portion of these, including all t he GNU devices, can be installed on any version of UNIX, however doing as such for the most part requires some serious energy and exertion (MacKinnon, 1999). Nastu, J. (2008). Software Virtualization.eSN Special Report. [online] Available at: As technology develops an essential part of district's infrastructure of a school, several schools are affecting toward personalised order, where understudies get the opportunity to learn at their pace inside the classroom environment. To fulfill really customized learning. In any case, we need to move past course readings, says Michael King, VP of IBM's worldwide training industry and the PC, the way things are today, is the wrong model for that. Lord focuses to the many-sided quality of having a large number of PCs all through a school area. Between overseeing patches and programming redesigns, physically putting in new applications, actualizing security refreshes, and basically dealing with the upkeep of those PCs, the IT operate hours can mount high as can be and on the grounds which IT support is as now extended thin at maximum schools in a present School News overview, about three out of four school pioneers said they don't have enough IT staff to bolster their necessities viab ly those staff hours can be troublesome, if not unthinkable, to stop by (Nastu, 2008). Regularly, schools essentially neglect to deal with their machines sufficiently, and the PCs wind up being underutilized. Yet, an amusement changing improvement is in progress which permits school locale to focus the management of their PCs and significantly lessen the quantity of staff hours utilized on administration calls. Called programming virtualization, the development takes into account applications to be conveyed from a focal server, without being introduced at the customer, or level of end-client, basically, the PC's desktop lives on a server. Simoneau, P. (2006). The OSI Model.Understanding the Seven Layers of Computer Networks. [online] Available at: In this article the OSI model or Open Systems Interconnection is discussed which is an orientation tool for understanding data communications among any two systems of networked. It splits the communications methods into seven layers. All layer both does particular abilities to support the layers upstairs it and suggestions admins to the layers under it. The most three minimal layers distillate on going programmed with the network to a system end. The four main layers become an integral factor in the last system to finish the procedure. The forward layer of OSI model is transport layer (Simoneau, 2006). The Transport layer is in charge of giving an identifiable and now and again dependable transport mechanism between two communicating devices. Client or application data, having gone through the Presentation and Session layers, will regularly be checked and sequenced before being passed down to the Network layer for tending. The Transport layer is the first at which we see the idea of parcels or datagrams of information that will be carried over the network. TCP, UDP, and ICMP are cases of Layer 4 conventions used to give a conveyance mechanism between end stations. It is likewise at this layer in the model that applications will be recognised by information in the Layer 4 headers inside the bundles. Content switching works most regularly at this layer by utilising this information to recognise diverse applications and distinctive clients utilising a similar application (Transport Layer Protocols, 2017). DATAQUEST. (2016).Government at the top of cyber attack list. [online] Available at: New research uncovers that cyber-assault on the government area multiplied in the year of 2016, climbing to 13% from 6% of all cyber security attacks in the year of 2015. Attacks on the fund part additionally climbed drastically from only 4% in the year of 2015 to 13% of all attacks in 2016. The assembling area came in at third place at 13%, while the retail division, which bested the rundown of all cyber security attacks on all areas in 2015 moved down into fourth place 10%. This is as per the Administrator's Guide to the NTT Security in 2017, Report of Global Threat Intelligence, which was aggregated from data gathered by NTT Security and other NTT working organizations including Dimension Data, from the networks of near 9,500 customers crosswise over five mainland, 3.5 trillion security logs, 6.1 billion endeavored attacks, and worldwide honeypots and sandboxes situated in more than 100 unique nations. The report pinpoints various worldwide geo-political occasions which could have added to the government division being a cyber-security assault target (DATAQUEST, 2016). Counting The US presidential race crusade, another US organization with a more forceful position toward China and North Korea, China receiving a more forceful approach position in securing its imperative center interests, US and European Union-drove monetary assents against Russia, Russian state-supported on-screen characters proceeding with cyber operations against Western targets, developing negative opinion in the Middle East against the West's animosity towards Syria. Matthew Gyde, Dimension Data's Group Executive Security stated, Governments everywhere throughout the world are continually under the danger of complex attacks propelled by opponent country states, cyber hoodlums, terrorist groups and hack activists, That's since government offices hold tremendous measures of delicate data from faculty records, touchy communications and budgetary data to knowledge discoveries. Interesting tha t this year we saw various occurrences including insider threats. Jones, P. (2012).The after effect of the Japanese earthquake. [online] Datacenter Dynamics. Available at: Tsunami in Japan was generally little in correlation through which took after the staggering Tohoku seismic tremor in the month of March 2011 however despite everything it fills in as an indication of the occasion (Jones, 2012). Center glances back at the effect of the Japan seismic tremor in the year of 2011 to perceive what the general impact on the commercial is. the Tepco or Tokyo Electric Power Company was compelled to offer its data focus business of Tokyo to compensate for obligations created through the Fukushima Daiichi atomic mishap brought about by a year ago's staggering Tsunami. Japanese security organisation Secom, which as of now works five data attentions in the nation, said this arrangements to buy 79% of the business of data center to create a path for development arranges. Fukushima Daiichi Power plant of Tepco was broadly handicapped, bringing on large power problems over northern island of Japan, in regions with Tokyo, after waves of the tsunami it smash 13m the plant, that was intended to survive waves of 5.7m (Jones, 2012). This impaired the developing reactors and brought about what was thought to be halfway atomic emergencies. The occasion brought about death toll, could in any case reason the damage generally effective data effort business of Tepco. Ciena's Mervyn Kelly highlighted networks are winding up noticeably stronger, and significantly more quick-witted subsequently of the lessons gained from late catastrophic events from surges in NY to the Tsunami in Japan very nearly back a year. Seismic tremor and Japans Tsunami smashed about portion of the running over the Pacific Ocean link and overhaul times were cited to be concerning a week and half a month. Interruption seriously affected the incomes of various network providers and ventures. BYRN, E. (2013). Internal crowdsourcing for innovation development.Chalmers. [online] Available at: Here, in this article progression strategies are discussed which are twisting up evidently consistently more open, and companies need to research a couple of new ways while picking improvement system. Crowdsourcing is one new sort of open headway companies are dynamically watching the potential of. A considerably more a la mode thought is that companies are beginning to utilizing its present network using inside crowdsourcing. The purpose behind this hypothesis is to give a survey of the thoughts in association with progression change, and points to think about while considering different crowdsourcing choices. The guideline investigate question is how does internal crowdsourcing shift from outside crowdsourcing in association with progression change? To answer this question, the essential points of interest and drawbacks are recognized, and recommendations are made (BYRN, 2013). The procedure used is a written work contemplate and a correct survey, which is dismembered. These are di verged from each other and analyzed remembering the ultimate objective to chart the refinements. The observational audit is included gatherings with employees of multi-national companies, and with crowdsourcing companies. As crowdsourcing can use either an inward group or external group, and crowdsourcing in association with headway change can be brought out either through group tossing or through thought jams; four Crowdsourcing Models in association with Internal and External participation or CMIE are perceived. Authoritatively, the central complexities are perceived to be related to improvement culture and framework, irrelevant points of interest, persuading strengths, and IP. The essential recognized focal points with internal crowdsourcing are that it gets underutilized resources and aggregates improvement encounters. It offers a believability for social joint exertion and empowers a spry easygoing progression office unbound by hierarchy or position. It can update the headway c ulture and addition the straightforwardness among management and employees. The rule perceived drawbacks with inside crowdsourcing join less wildcards, risk of resistance and not making outside PR or customer closeness (BYRN, 2013). Identity Force. (2016).The Biggest Data Breaches. [online] Available at: In the period of January 2016, Wendy's started asking about a potential information rupture in the wake of getting reports of curious action including segment cards at some of their eatery areas. The straightforward parts of that examination twisted up plainly open in May, as the fast food chain uncovered that under 4 percent of its eateries were influenced. The affiliation accept that malware assaulted one specific purpose of offer structure at under 290 of around 5,000 diversified North America Wendy's burger joints, beginning in the fall of 2015(Identity Force, 2016). Security ace Brian Krebs said numerous bank and credit unions have been trying about the degree and term of the break" and that it radiates an impression of being some broken Wendy's influences were in the meantime spilling client card information as late as the entire of the period of March 2016 into early April. In the period of June 2016, Wendy's declared that their information rupture was more appalling than they at first suspected. The affiliation did not give much extra information essentially that extra risky digital advancement has beginning late been found in some establishment worked burger joints. They said that they harmed the newfound malware, yet that the measure of establishment eateries impacted by these digital security assaults is before long expected that would be basically higher than the 299 burger joints effectively included. Wendy's is proceeding to work through security specialists and government law need who are investigating the breach. Anand, V. (2017). What are great examples of companies that failed because they didn#39;t adopt new communications technology?. [online] Available at: of-companies- that-failed- because-they- didnt-adopt- new-communications-technology In this article Palm or PALM is conveyed, which is portable wireless and a system of working for portable desktops and hardware devices. Palm encouraged its hardware Palm Pilot contraption in the season of 1996 as an individual organizer. In the year of 1999, Palm V was released. The smartphone of Palm Treo was made by Handspring that Palm obtained. In the quarter which finished in the period of September in the year of 2005, Palm sold near 460,000 Treo units, up 155% from a practically identical quarter the prior year (Anand, 2017). By then, three organizations charged the cell phone display: Palm, Research in Motion, producer of the Blackberry, and remote mammoth Nokia. At the point when of September in 2007 quarter, Treo deals had as of late moved to 680,000, however offers of the Blackberry hit for all intents and purposes 3.0 million, and the starting late pushed Apple iPhone sold more than 1million units amidst a similar period after it appeared on the period of June 29th of th at year V. Palm, a champion among the timeliest creators of cell phones, was not fit follow up its accomplishment in the individual facilitator business. Analysts indicated the way that the affiliation was move to appreciate that client's required remote voice and information from a tantamount gadget. As appeared by ZDNet, Palm just couldn't discover the condition for over the air synchronization with Microsoft Outlook, which business client's request and RIM nailed with its BlackBerry gadget. Palm in addition experienced distinctive thing delays. The affiliation will dispatch the going with modifications of its equipment, the Pre, soon (Anand, 2017). Gilbert and Tobin (2013). Learning from failed ICT projects. lexology. [online] Available at: 4550-9445- 39bc32a4c3ff In this article the incident which happened in 2005 is elaborated. Victoria Police ongoing the Link broaden, that expected to supplant the flow structure which is 13 year old is used to record wrongdoing events and individual data inside Victoria Police's database. In the season of 2011, inferable from different certifiable faults that hampered the wander, Link was postponed till 2014 to 2015 and its cost devices extended by $126million. Similarly to Myki, Link began this thing in an undesirable perspective as its case of fundamental business was inclined government financing assignments meeting and henceforth fail to enough recognize the general cost of the wander and the number and unconventionality of interfaces essential through the different structure. A key lack of failure of Victoria Police to engage a lone qualified wander boss. Or maybe, develop management commitments were part between two persons, one of them had never achieved a generous, complex ICT authorized wander some time as of late (Gilbert and Tobin, 2013). This therefore incited different early forewarning signs of cost triumphs being missed, for example cost concerns were brought and dismissed both up in 2006 and in 2008 regardless of that the Link spending arrangement was a substantial segment of that of an equivalent plan used through Queensland Police. Affiliation was also hampered by the meander group asking for a like for like substitution of the 13 year old framework, as opposed to procuring another structure which watched out for the present and future needs of the police who may utilize it. The Auditor General saw that the "like-for-like" strategy was hazardous as it understood the uncommon customization of the business off-the-rack thing which consequently separated its trademark good conditions and further expanded its expenses (Gilbert and Tobin, 2013). References BYRN, E. (2013). Internal crowdsourcing for innovation development.Chalmers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 May 2017]. Cyber Computing. (2015).Linux Operating System. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 May 2017]. DATAQUEST. (2016).Government at the top of cyber attack list. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 May 2017]. Gilbert and Tobin (2013).Learning from failed ICT projects. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 May 2017]. Identity Force. (2016).The Biggest Data Breaches. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 May 2017]. Jones, P. (2012).The after effect of the Japanese earthquake. [online] Datacenter Dynamics. Available at: [Accessed 17 May 2017]. MacKinnon, J. (1999). The Linux Operating System.Debian GNU/Linux. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 May 2017]. Nastu, J. (2008). Software Virtualization.eSN Special Report. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 May 2017]. Quora. (2012).What are great examples of companies that failed because they didn't adopt new communications technology?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 May 2017]. Simoneau, P. (2006). The OSI Model.Understanding the Seven Layers of Computer Networks. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 May 2017]. Transport Layer Protocols. (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 May 2017]. Underwood, R. (2001). The Relationship of Programming Languages to Binary Machine Code and the Computers Digital Electronics. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 May 2017]. Why do computers use binary numbers?. (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 May 2017]

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Tobias Smollett Biography Essays - Picaresque Novels,

Tobias Smollett Biography Tobias George Smollett (1721-1771), Scottish novelist, was born in Dalquhurn, Dumbarton County Scotland. Smollett was born beneath a plane tree at Dalquharn House on the family estate of Bon hill in the Vale of Leven, near the village of Renton, Dumbartonshire. At fourteen Smollett was apprenticed to a Glasgow doctor. He studied medicine at Glasgow University and moved to London in 1740. He was a ship's surgeon in the Carragena expedition against the Spanish in the West Indies, and lived in Jamaica until 1744 when he returned to London and renewed his earlier attempts to stage a play he had written The Regicide, but still met with no success. He also failed to set up his own medical practice. His first novel, the partly autobiographical Roderick Random (1748), was an immediate success. His best novel, The Expedition of Humphry Clinker (1771), has become a classic. It is a story, told in a series of letters, about the travels of a family through England and Scotland. Smollett was troubled by lack of money. He spent his last years in poor health, and died in Livorno, Italy, on October 21, 1771. Two years later, Johnson and Boswell stayed at Cameron House with Smollett's cousin James, who was preparing to erect a Tuscan column in Smollett's memory at Renton. Johnson helped compose the Latin obituary on the plinth, and the column stood in what subsequently became the playground of a school. Some of Tobias Smollett's work consists of The Tears of Scotland (1746). Poem on the defeat of the Scots at the Battle of Culloden. The Adventures of Roderick Random ( 1748 ). Gil Blas. Translation of LeSage's novel. ( 1749 ). The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle ( 1751 ). The Adventures of Ferdinand, Count Fathom ( 1753 ). Don Quixote. Translation of Cervantes' novel. ( 1755). The Adventures of Sir Lancelot Greaves ( 1760 ). Travels through France and Italy ( 1766 ). The History and Adventures of an Atom ( 1769 ). The Expedition of Humphrey Clinker ( 1771 ). Some critics regard Tobias Smollet as more satirist meaning that a work of literature or art that, by inspiring laughter, contempt, or horror, seeks to correct the follies and abuses it uncovers. I don't know what that means though. This is a paragraph from Tobias Smollett's book The Adventures of Roderick Random. Roderick Random is the orphaned, unwanted grandson of a severe old Scots magistrate, exposed by his grandfather's known neglect to the malice of the community. His principal enemies are the schoolmaster and the young heir. It is not long before a deus ex machina appears in the form of a sailor uncle: He was a strongly built man, somewhat bandy-legged, with a neck like that of a bull, and a face which had withstood the most obstinate assaults of the weather. His dress consisted of a soldier's coat, altered for him by the ship's tailor, a striped flannel jacket, a pair of red breeches japanned with pitch, clean grey worsted stockings, large silver buckles that covered theree-fourths of his shoues, a silver laced hat whosecrown overlooked the brim about an inch and a half, a black bob wig in buckle, a check shirt, a silk hankerchief, a henger with a brass handle girded on his thigh by a tarnished laced belt, and a good oak plant under his arm.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Female Genital Mutilation Essays (1241 words) -

Female Genital Mutilation Female genital mutilation (FGM) is referred to as the removal of part, or all, of the female genitalia. The most severe form is infibulation, otherwise known as pharaonic circumcision. It is estimated that 15% of all FGMs performed in Africa are infibulations. The procedure consists of clitoridectomy (all, or part of, the clitoris is removed), excision (removing all, or part of, the labia minora), and cutting of the labia majora to make raw surfaces, which are stitched together to form a cover over the vagina as they heal. A small hole is left to allow urine and menstrual blood to get out. The majority (85%) of genital mutilations performed in Africa involve a clitoridectomy or excision. The type of mutilation practiced, the age at which it is done, and the way in which it is done differs according to a variety of factors, including the woman or girl's ethnic group, what country they are living in, and their socio-economic status. Female genital mutilation is performed at a variety of ages, ranging from immediately after birth to some time during the first pregnancy, but, most likely, it will be done between the ages of four and eight. According to the World Health Organization, the average age ids declining. This tells us that the practice is no longer associated with the initiation into adulthood. Some girls go through FGM alone, but mutilation is often experienced as a group of, sisters, other close female relatives, or neighbors. When genital mutilation is performed as part of an initiation ceremony, as it is in societies in eastern, central, and western Africa, it is likely to be done on all of the girls in the community who belong to a certain age group. The procedure is done in the girl's home, or the home of a relative or neighbor, in a health center, or, if done as an initiation, at a specially designated spot, such as a tree or river. Performing the procedure is an older woman, a midwife or healer, a barber, or a qualified doctor. Girls going through FGM have different degrees of knowledge about what will happen to them. Sometimes this event is associated with parties and gifts. Usually only women are allowed to attend; girls are urged to be brave. On occasion, a midwife will be around to give a local anesthetic. In some cultures, girls are told to sit in cold water before the procedure, to numb the area and lessen the likelihood of bleeding. However, the most common way to perform this is to use nothing to take away or lessen the pain. The girl is held down, by an older woman, with her legs open. Genital mutilation is performed by using broken glass, a tin lid, scissors, a razor blade, or some other cutting instrument. When infibulation has taken place, thorns or stitches are used to hold the two sides of the labia majora together, and the legs may be held together for up to 40 days. Pates containing herbs, milk, eggs, ashes, or dung may be applied to help with the healing process. The girl may be taken to a special place to recover where, at times, traditional teaching is passed on. It is estimated that 135 million of the world's female population have underdone FGM, and two million girls a year are at risk?about 6,000 a day. It is practice significantly in Africa and is common in some countries in the Middle East; it also occurs in parts of Asia and the Pacific, North and Latin America and Europe, mainly among immigrant communities. Genital mutilation is practiced in more than 28 countries in Africa. There are no figures to date to tell us how common it is in Asia. It has been reported among Muslims in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia, however, not much is known about the practice in these countries. In India, a small Muslim sect performs clitoridectomies. In the Middle East, mutilation is practiced in Egypt, Oman, Yemen, and the United Arab Emirates. There have also been reports of FGM being performed among certain indigenous groups in central and South America. In industrialized countries, female genital mutilation takes place most commonly among immigrants from countries where

Sunday, November 24, 2019

American Political system

Not to long ago the American Political system under went a major transition. One of the many controversies that are still shadowing this transition is the acts or misacts of the former President. Just recently he announced that he had chosen a location in Harlem to be used as his post-presidential office. Most people reacted to this decision by saying hes deceiving African-Americans in Harlem to cover up his burdens when he left the White House... the pardons or the gifts that were taken from Whitehouse. The article I will be analyzing is by Jay Nordlinger about the recent move to Harlem by Ex-President Clinton. Nordlinger is an editor for the National Review whos been covering the Clintons for a couple of years. Published by The Weekly Standard: a very conservative magazine, Nordlinger tries to explain the recent move as an attempt to put out the fire that have erupted the Clintons since leaving the White House. From what I perceived reading this article the main issue Nordlings is trying to prove is that whether our former president is using African-Americans to talk to White people? Meaning does Clinton do what he does because he wants to help the African-American society or just to improve Americans impression about him? Nordlinger undoubtedly states that the ex-president misleads the African-American society and he does everything for a purpose: to get out the many controversies that follow him day to day. He says Clinton does it over and over: runs to black people when he gets into a jam. According to Nordlinger the former President knows his relationship with black people is terrific, so he has a habit of using black people as props. The article even relates Clintons with Fidel Castro. Sometime in 1960 Fidel Castro publicly changed his expensive midtown hotel a hotel in Harlem to show commonality with the people there. So when Castro came back to New York for the U.N. gathering he was ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 10

Human Resource Management - Essay Example Similarly the work life balance in the organizations will also be affected in the future such that the employee’s attitudes towards work and also leisure could also change. On the other hand there would also be more flexible obligations in balancing the demands of the employees in the organizations. Another sociological aspect that would affect the organizations in the near future is in the distribution of income whereby the organizations managements will want more people to highly invest in their organizations. On the other hand the consumerisms will also affect the organizations in the sociological aspect such that there will be more competition between the various organizations for more consumers. The market lace will also become more competitive since the levels of education for the consumers will be higher. The consumers will therefore be able to make more informed choices in their consumer choices and behavior. The organizations will also be affected by the sociological factors in such a way that they will invest more in the people who are in their organizations and equip them with adequate skills which will make them more competent in the organizations market place. The technological factors which are likely to affect the organizations in the near future could be classified in terms of the emerging new technology. In the near future the technological innovations will be very high and also very innovative. For instance the organizations will be affected by the new communication models which include the telecommunications and transportation of goods and services from one place to another. Similarly technologically the governments will spend more on research programs so as to ensure that the consumers are provided with the best quality of goods and services. The governments will also tend to focus more on the technological effort. The

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 5

Globalization - Essay Example In addition, technology facilitates constant connectivity, which has led to establishment of a current generation living in a globalized world. Therefore, tracking communication and interaction with technology through my Smartphone for a period of four-hours depicts that there are numerous features offered by these device. After tracking use of my technological devices such as Smartphone and laptop, I acquired understanding of the way people use technology to communicate. In this case, people are able to connect through social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. In fact, accessibility to these social networking sites has been facilitated by the internet. Therefore, through my Smartphone, I was able to access information and services that I was interested in. Nonetheless, the internet plays a significant role in processes of reducing traditional barriers of communication across different parts of the world. During this period, I was using my laptop, and this made me realize that there are numerous software that have been developed along with protocols and standards aimed at enabling computers to interact through the internet. In fact, I was interacting with students from different parts of the world, thereby discussing issues regarding school projects. Therefore, collaboration platform has been developed in order to enable people share digital content (Friedman, 3). In fact, these collaboration platforms are referred to as flatteners, which expand opportunity through which people communicate and interact. These technological devices integrate internet functions, thereby making people’s lives more enjoyable. In fact, during this assessment period, I was able to watch new videos and play a game. Moreover, there are other emotional experiences, which are thrilling and exciting such watching a movie. Internet has become a social club since people have managed to develop and maintain friendships. For instance, during the assessment period, I had a g ood feeling of being socially connect with friends living in different parts of the world. In this case, we were able to interact and share some ideas, while making new friends. People have acquired ability to multitask, while using the internet and other technological devices. For instance, during the assessment period, I was logged into my Facebook account, whereby I was chatting with my friends; I was also logged into my tweeter account at the same time. Moreover, I was listening to Smartphone’s music, and I was still receiving calls from friends. In addition, during the same period, I got a chance to check my e-mail and play and online game. Therefore, use of technological devices among people in different parts of the world is increasing gradually with increases in levels of innovativeness and technological advancement. In addition, technology is used in order to achieve certain tasks in peoples’ lives such as learning and offering health care services. Part Two: Living Without Technology In order to understand the condition of living without technology, I conducted an assessment for a period of one hour. In this case, during this assessment, I refrained from using technological devices such as my laptop and Smartphone. On the other hand, I focused on using pens, paper and face-to-face conversation. Nevertheless, during this period, I was tempted to look at the messages and incoming calls from my friends on my Smartphone.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Essay about a Poem Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

About a Poem - Essay Example emplation as young, Black student in the midst of a relatively Caucasian educational institution and the contention of the equality between him and his professor. The persona of the poem speaks of how he perceives himself as the same as of any other individual his age or otherwise. He starts with the fact of his cognizance of his aesthetic difference and how he is apart from all the others around him, being the only Black student in his class. It paints of the picture of the school and its close proximity but otherwise vague disconnect with Harlem. But with the college’s discord amplifying his intimacy with the place and how it represents him, and how he must represent it. It ropes in the simple intricacies that add up and defines us as who we are as human beings. Mundane things the poetic persona expresses like ‘to eat, sleep, drink, and be in love’ How these are the same for him as it is for all the others around him, including his professor, this in his mind makes all of them equal, regardless of the color of their skin. The perception of the polar opposition between the white paper and the black ink gives much of the vivid detail that makes the poem as refine in the rendering of the underlying tone that it extends. He is what and who he is, and being so, the negation of what his paper will not be leads to his realization of what it is. In the course of his reflection he discerned the reality of being. The veritable connections that make the student and the professor equal, that constitutes why they are one and the same. And that is the fact that they are both Americans. Known for his political dynamism through his literary works, Hughes wrote the poem during a time when American history was at the threshold of a landmark revolution that ultimately led to the realization of the Civil Rights Movement. A developmental change that he has in many ways has become an integral part of. His works include contentious political tones that articulate race

Friday, November 15, 2019

Managing Globalization at Sony

Managing Globalization at Sony Executive Summary As a consequence of economic liberalization, free trade is rapidly becoming a reality within regional blocks, such as the EU, NAFTA, ASEAN, and Mercosur. Furthermore, the World Trade Organization is continuously reducing the remaining barriers to the free flow of capital, goods, services, and technology among countries and regional blocks. The barriers to trade and investment among countries continue to decline rapidly and are making globalization increasingly more feasible and less expensive. Secondly, technological advances continue their onward march. There has been a sharp decline in the costs of air transportation, telecommunication, and computers since 1950. The decline in transportation costs has radically shrunk the cost of shipping goods across countries. These developments in information technology have dramatically reduced the operative distance between companies, their customers, and their suppliers and made coordination of far-flung operations not only more feasible but also more reliable and efficient. Owing to the development of the global economy, most of the firms are now expanding their operations across nations. Companies are not only located in their home countries, but the production centers, warehouses, distribution centers are also built up in different countries as well. This has been done increasingly to reap the benefits of cost and advantageous resources. This research mainly focuses on certain important strategies adopted by multinational enterprises. These strategic areas of discussion are strategy for globalization, achieving global coordination and operations, building global RD networks and improving corporate governance. The main focus will be on strategies adopted for the mentioned key issues by two multinationals: SONY and SAMSUNG. A qualitative research of these two companies is undertaken and a comparison of the strategies adopted for various key issues has been made in this paper. 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Background and Motives In its simplest form, strategy is about getting from A to B as cost-effectively as possible. Implicit in this process are: assessing a firm’s existing situation (A), both external and internal; clarifying strategic objectives (B) and the opportunities they encompass; and determining the pathway of long-term activities (strategies) that most effectively lead from A to B. The strategic pathway must reflect not only the changing environment, but also changes called for in a firm’s capabilities. As such, strategy necessarily combines both internal and external aspects of a firm. When the environment is complex and at times volatile, as is true for the global economy, these two aspects are continuously in play and shaping each other. Firms vary considerably in the motivations and paths that guide them toward their global agendas. They begin at different points in their development, pursue different visions, and operate under different industry conditions. Firms also have a broad choice of the strategic path they take to achieve their global agendas. Some firms in the medical, biotech, and computer software fields may be viewed as â€Å"born global,† because their products have immediate widespread acceptance in an identifiable market niche around the world. But even then, like most firms, they must traverse one or more of three broadly different paths to globalize their operations-through growth, extension, or transformation. Thus, it is the foreign entry strategy that decides the mode of expanding business across nations. The research paper will focus on these strategies as adopted by Sony along with the strategy adopted for global coordination, global RD networks and corporate governance. These strategies of Sony will be compared with those of Samsung to present a contrasting image between the two companies. 1.2 Research Methods The purpose of qualitative research methods is to discover and explain the actual business phenomenon of operations, and CASE STUDY is one of the most popular methods of conducting such a research. This research is mainly focused on two multinational enterprises-SONY and SAMSUNG and the strategies adopted by these firms to enter foreign markets, strategies for attaining coordination in global operations and corporate governance strategies. In order to understand the strategies adopted by these two enterprises is studies. These sources include publications, annual reports and public release of case study companies and a case study provided on globalization of Sony Corporation. Afterwards, the data and information among these corporations will be compared and analyzed. Finally, the results of the case study will be tested and verified with the literature and certain recommendations for further strategies to be followed will be provided.Certain important concepts will be considered whi le making the analysis. These concepts are Multinational Enterprise, Globalization, Corporate Governance and Competitive advantage. The purpose of this research is to explore various strategies adopted while going global and for managing global operations efficiently. The research will aim at discussing and comparing two multinational companies Sony and Samsung on issues relevant to global operations of any organization. The research will also analyze the impact of current economic crisis on the global strategies adopted by companies. While analyzing such impact special consideration will be given to the views of Rhodes and Stetler provided in an article Seize the Advantage in a Downturn, Harvard Business Review (2009) 2 MANAGING A GLOBAL CORPORATION: SONY Sony is uniquely characterized with its relatively outgoing nature, flambount leadership and global mindset of its top executives. The company was founded on May 7, 1946, in Japan under the name of Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo. In 1958, the company changed its name officially to Sony Corporation. Its major products include Audio, Video, Televisions, Information and Communication, Semiconductors and Electronic Components. Sony was the first Japanese company to set up manufacturing facilities in the U.S. In 1980s Sony decided to diversify beyond consumer electronic goods and began to move production to other countries. Various strategies adopted by Sony while globalizing its operations are discussed in following topics. 2.1 Going Global In 1980s Japan had an image of a producer of poor quality goods. When Sony decided to go global the very first decision taken by Morita, (then chairman of Sony Corporation) was to change the companys name from a Japanese name to Sony, which was a combination of a Latin word sonus meaning sound, and a British word sonny meaning, little man. Sony initiated in its global operations in a properly planned way and used Transnational-market strategy to go global. Instead of just starting off the operations in all major countries, the company emphasized on setting up operations in one particular region at a time. For globalizing its operations, Sony followed a approach to understand the market and learn to sell before making any heavy investments. The very first effort towards globalization was setting up of a sales subsidiary in U.S. This was done in 1960 and a decision to set up a manufacturing unit was taken up only in 1971 when the company became well aware of the market trends and consumers choice in U.S. Also Morita decided to stay in America so as to understand the mentality and consumer behavior of the market. Such a bold decision helped Sony to better place its products in U.S. markets. Next market which Sony decided to tap was Europe. In order to be successful in European markets, Sony decided to customize its products as per the consumers choice. Sony had to design a Television set that would accept any of the four prevailing standards of Europe. Although, there was strong resistance for Sonys designs in European markets, company totally refused to leave its philosophy of being different and not an imitator. In London also company followed the policy of starting with only sales office and that too on a small scale. This helped the company to deeply analyze and understand the market the consumer choice before going for great investments in the country. In Germany Sonys strategy was to concentrate on projecting an image of quality. It started selling its product sonly through some best electronic shops and this created a strong awareness about the products of the company. However, to sustain in German markets, Sony continued to persist with its expensive, high quality image even after gaining a considerable awareness and flow of orders. Another challenge which Sony faced while globalizing was expanding operations in several Scandinavian countries. Here Sony first appointed local competing manufacturers, as its agents to enter the market. These manufacturers were those enjoying a good reputation in market and had strong sales capabilities. A worldwide economic recession of 1981-82 acted as a dampener on Sonys sales. At this time a new strategy of setting up Strategic Business Units (SBU) was undertaken so as to manage operations on global basis. 2.2 Building a Global RD Network Sony had developed several breakthrough products since its inception in 1946. The company had always followed the strategy of identifying customer needs and developing products to satisfy those needs and also which can stand the ever-changing market trends. Sony has several RD labs established in different parts of the world. These labs participate in annual meetings every year so as to set priorities and promote collaboration among different regions. The company looked at RD facilities as a means to tap foreign technology, provide technological support to foreign plants and to modify products to suit the needs of overseas markets. The global RD network is controlled centrally by CTO at the Japanese headquarters of the company and the system represents a Matrix system. The RD offices of US and Europe have CTOs who coordinates their own regional RD activities and formulate regional technology strategies. However, overseas labs are given sufficient autonomy to plan and implement their projects and local labs are managed by local subsidiary and also by the CTO. Sony aims at non-duplication of research activities across the system and for this company organizes Annual Technology Exchange Convention where executives from all over the world are able to exchange information and appreciate companys research capabilities. 2.3 Global Coordination Sony used decentralization and delegation in managing its global operations. The need for a good communication between Japanese headquarters and local businesses was also realized. To foster this Sony emphasized on relating its marketing groups with engineering, manufacturing and other headquarter functions. Also, product divisions were allotted the responsibility of participating in design, promotion and advertising along with distribution and various operational issues. Sony does have separate business units with independent management committees but all these are linked with headquarters to ensure coordination and cooperation in various functions. Along with a fair deal of decentralization of functions Sony established a Strategic Group Headquarters to oversee group operations and allocate resources efficiently. Also, there is an integration of design, production, customer service and logistics functions of factories to streamline supply chain management. Through greater use of i nformation technology Sony aims at coordinating administrative, sales and marketing operations of Japan, U.S and Europe. The strategy is to provide a wide range of authority to business units, but with the retention of the cohesive power of headquarters. The goal of this strategy is to create an environment of strong leadership of top management and increased corporate worth. 2.4 Corporate Governance While designing a corporate governance system at Sony, it was aimed that the ability of Board to oversee operations be strengthened. Proper care was taken for delegation of greater authority and responsibility for the extension of business activities and company planned to adopt the Company with Committees system. Such a system comprised of three committees each of which consists of a majority of outside directors. The appointment of outside directors ensures greater soundness, transparency and speed in corporate governance matters. The strategy here is was recognize the importance of a management system that believes in importance of shareholders of the company. The base of such a system of corporate governance is considered to be the innovation of Board of Directors of the company. 3 COMPARISON OF SONYS STRATEGIES WITH THAT OF SAMSUNG. Samsung was founded by Lee Byung-Chull as a small trading company in 1938. Today Samsung Group is a multinational conglomerate headquartered in Samsung Town, Seoul, South Korea. The globalization efforts started in Samsung in late 1980s. When Samsung decided to go global the main problem which aroused was companys image of being bargain junk. CEO and management personnel of the company travelled to the US to understand the market and realized that there is a strong need to change this perception about Samsung. Like Sony, Samsung also started with setting up of sales subsidiaries mainly in developed countries but unlike Sony, Samsung did not emphasized in tapping one country at a time. Rather Samsung started with its global operations in 1980s with setting up of production facilities in Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe with an aim of gaining the benefits from roundabout export. Samsung also took the path of mergers and acquisitions to go global during the initial years of globalizati on. This was not the case with Sony which entered new markets independently to acquire new markets with its existing competencies and image. Despite of a strong resistance for its products design in European markets, Sony refused to compromise on companys corporate philosophy. However in 1990s Samsung did follow th strategies that included manufacturing components for better known global brands and selling copycat products of microwaves or televisions such as Sanyo to consumers. On the part of Global Coordination, Sony followed a policy of decentralization along with a tight control from headquarters so as to ensure proper functioning, accountability, transparency, cooperation and increased corporate worth. At Samsung, global operations are managed region wise. U.S market is considered as a centre for local marketing and introduction of new technologies whereas Mexico is the base for roundabout export. While Southeast Asia and Europe are the production sites, Japan is the new export market centre for introducing new technologies and China is the second most fundamental market. All these markets are given adequate authority to perform their individual functions but are closely linked with each other as well as with Global Strategy Control Headquarters in Korea. There is an exchange of technology between US and Mexico where low to medium class products are manufactured. Also there is a supply of products from Europe to U.S and of product design and new develo pments from U.S to Europe. At the same time there is a constant flow of information regarding RD initiatives, and high value-added products from the headquarters to these global business units. Thus, there is a coordination of operations among all the markets which are working as per their specializations. Sony has set up several RD units in various different countries to absorb the customers expectations from all the markets and convert this information into new innovative products to suit the needs of each specific market and its customers. Samsung also invested heavily on RD and applied the concept of innovation within the organization. According to Steers, Richard (1997) Innovation for Samsung means, develop through globalization to globalize Samsung. However, Samsung adopted a strategy to make each and every staff member of the organization capable enough to innovate. Ungson, Gerardo (1997) explained that a review of Samsungs operations from 1990 to 1992 demonstrated the need to train employees as international experts, to manage difficulties, experienced with foreign local employees, and to recruit excellent employees. Company created an atmosphere that can make each employee confident to create innovation. For this Samsung revised the concept of Samsung man that emphasized on the creative individual who is characterized with a wide view and high moral standards. Samsung recruited qualified people and there were a third of companys directors aged in 40 years or younger. The company aimed at getting people with good vision about future and considered human capital as the most important element for a successful innovation leading to efficient globalization. On account of corporate Governance, Sony has a clear structure consisting of board of directors which are mainly from external sources of the company. In Samsung there is a cross shareholdings pattern representing a web of dubious cross-shareholdings among scholars, bureaucrats and NGOs. Chairman of the company, Lee Kun-hee and his family maintain a control over the group. The Samsung Everland, Samsung Life insurance, Samsung Electronics and Samsung Card are the main pillars to sustain corporate governance structure and form a ring of shareholdings in the company and exhibit an intricately entangled shareholding system. 4 CURRENT ECONOMIC CRISIS AND GLOBAL STRATEGIES In the words of Landefeld, J.Steven (2009) Globalization is an economic process that has been going on since the earliest days of trade and investment across regions and countries. It has helped in significantly raising the standards of living, health and improvement in environment through a rise in world-wide production and income. As it is always believed that globalization is largely driven by economic gain; a common question during the situations of economic crisis is whether a company should focus on its current geographies rather than venture into expanding its global operations. In current financial crisis it has been seen that markets are good at pricing marginal risks so as to achieve short-term gains. However, Landefeld (2009) argued that markets are not good in evaluating bubbles and long-term systematic risk. The current financial crisis definitely affects the global strategies of companies. Most of the companies view the global economic downturn as the biggest challenge partnerships to be dealt with. Also, most of the agencies report that their corporate partners are finding it difficult to initiate new partnerships in current economic crisis. Despite such difficulties the current economic crisis has a positive side-effect also. It provides an opportunity of an extra incentive for finding more and more creative ways of partnerships and global engagements. The crisis also has a positive effect of encouraging innovation. According to Rhodes, D., and Stelter, D., 2009, Seize the Advantage in a Downturn, Harvard Business Review, Inaction is the riskiest response to the uncertainties of an economic crisis. But rash or scattershot action can be nearly damaging. In the above mentioned article Rhodes pointed out that a planned approach towards global strategies need to be followed in times of economic crisis. The very first step in this approach is that the company should assess its own vulnerabilities, at the company level and by business unit. Company should be aware of various ways in which the current scenario can affect its business in terms of reduced demand for its products, companys ability to secure short-term financing, effect on cost of capital, etc. Once such affects are known the impact can be quantified to closely assess the exposure. Then it is possible to determine the ways to reduce the exposure and survive and maximize the companys performance during the downturn. Dr, Suder, Gabriele, Professor of International Business at CERAM Business School, France clarifies that while the reduction-of-cost argument is one of the main motivations for internationalization in times of crisis, when it comes to location decisions, decision-makers will always also opt for convenient labor conditions, market opener effects and access to resources not obtainable elsewhere. Therefore, a crisis as we know it today is unlikely to alter internationalization strategies, and it shouldnt. Simply because this would alter the firms strength. Rhodes explained that a company can capitalize on the opportunities presented by a recession. There is a need to assess and minimize the vulnerability of ones firm. This will position a company to seize future resources of competitive advantage, whether through bold investments in product development or transformative acquisitions. As per the plan suggested by Rhodes, liquidity is considered as the key to survive any economic crisis. A company should monitor and maximize its cash position. This can be done through tightly managing customer credit and aggressively managing working capital. Also, there is a need to optimize ones financial structure by reducing debt and other liabilities and securing access to lines of credit. Further, there is a need to inform investors and analysts about the companys recession preparedness. This will help in maintaining a strong share price for the company. A company should reduce costs and increase efficiency during economic crisis. This is to be done through rooting out long-standing activities, centralize key functions, and analyze current suppliers and reviving earlier efficiency initiatives to implement them fully in better times. Next level is to revitalize customer retention initiatives during recession. There is a need to realign sales force utilization and incentives, reallocate marketing spending towards immediate revenue generation, and consider more-generous financial terms for customers. Also, during recession a company should reconsider its product mix and pricing strategies so as to offer lower-price versions of existing products, considering creative strategies such as result-based or subscription pricing, etc. Naim, Moises (2009) Globalization cannot be derailed by the world financial crisis until and unless we believe that globalization is mainly about international trade and investment. James (2009) argued that present economic crisis is temporary and globalization will continue and the entire world is tied up due to increase in volume of business. Through a proper mechanism a company can very well expand during recession also. The best companies make an extra effort to not only survive in downturn but position themselves to thrive during subsequent upturn. A company should consider the fact that investments made today in areas such as product development and technology will give good results only once the recession is past. The cost of such initiatives will be lower during recession and will give huge benefits in times of growth. Also, an economic crisis like that of today is good time to invest in human capital also. Downturns can also be viewed as an opportunity to rethink the business models. More and more analysts and practitioners are emphasizing on recognizing the importance of sustainable business practices, comprehensive risk-management, long-term performance and ethics. The current economic crisis has lead to recognition of Corporate Social Responsibility in every organization. This crisis has lead companies to pay more attention on environmental, social and governance issues which have a positive effect on companys performance and long-term corporate value. Also, financial investors have learned to consider these key issues while making any investment decisions. Steets, Julia (2009) argued that the global economic crisis will most likely not have a negative impact on business partnerships. In the words of Thomsen, Kristina (2009) While the crisis leads to a reduction of philanthropic giving, it also triggers innovative partnerships and may have a cathartic effect on more conventional ones, eliminating those that would not have been sustainable anyway. Thus, compan ies adopting a comprehensive approach towards handling economic crisis can be better placed and be able to seize the opportunities emerging from the turbulence and will also be able to head start on the competition once the crisis is over. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS From the above discussion it can be concluded that current financial downturn supports the recognition of sustainable business practices for long-term success of an organization and its businesses. At a time when global competition is intensifying, Sony and Samsung, using different set of strategies, remain internationally competitive. Sony has continued to supply innovative products all over the world. On the other hand Samsung has emphasized on process enrichment and innovation along with good RD investment. Samsung has concentrated on its core competency of manufacturing. Despite their different approached towards globalization and various other key issues related with the concept, both Sony and Samsung have successfully met the challenges of global competition. Sony has been characterized with an unrelated diversification. Samsung is focused on its core competency of manufacturing but Sony seems to have stuck up in multiple businesses and such unrelated businesses can be more detrimental rather than being helpful for the company. It is recommended for Sony to regain focus and investing in enhancing the companys core competencies. Further to survive competition from firms like Samsung and LG, the top management teams at Sony should evaluate the identity of the Sony brand to its customers and adopt a brand oriented leadership. These steps are necessary to rejuvenate Sony in the long run. REFERENCES Caves R.E. (1986), Multinational enterprise and economic analysis, Cambridge University Press, pp.1-30 Dunning J.H. (1993), Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy, Addision-Wesley Publishing Lindsay M. (1992), Developing Capital Markets in Eastern Europe-A Business Reference, New York University Press Landefeld, J.Steven (2009), Un High- Level Forum on Globalization and Global Crisis: The Role of Official Statistics. United Nations Statistics Division, ECOSOC Chamber. Kim, Samuel S. (2000), Korean Globalization, Cambridge University Press. Parker, Barbara (2005), Introduction to Globalization Business, Sage Publishing. Pak Y.S. and Park Y.R. (2004), Global Ownership Strategy of Japanese Multinational Enterprises: A Test of Internalization Theory, Management International Review, Vol.44, No.1, pp.3-21 Steers, Richard M Park, Seung-Ho (1997), Korean Enterprise, Harvard Business School Press. Websites Samsung Corporation Samsung in Hungary Samsung in Russia Samsung RD expenses in 2003 Samsung’s Governance Remains Problematic (2009), Ohmy News Accessed 18 November 2009 Sony Corporation Will globalization be derailed by the world financial crisis? (2009), McKinsey Company Accessed 18 November 2009

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Great Depression Essay -- essays research papers

The Great Depression not only affected the United States but the world in general. In my estimation some the reasons for the depression was the combination of the greatly unequal distribution of wealth throughout the 1920’s and the debts not paid back from WWI.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The distribution of wealth in the 1920’s, â€Å"roaring twenties,† was done with despair between the very wealthy and the lower classes, between industry and agriculture within the United States, between the U.S. and Europe. This imbalance of wealth created an unstable economy. The excessive assumption in the late 20’s kept the stock markets artificially high, which eventually lead the large market crashes and the American economy to turn over.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The â€Å"roaring twenties† was an era when the U.S. prospered immensely. The nation’s total income was rose tremendously, but not equally. The â€Å"Coolidge Prosperity† of the 1920’s was not evenly shared among Americans, which led the rich to become richer, by not having to pay such high taxes, and the poor to not prosper. This widened the gap of disparity even more. In this period of time there was an increased manufacturing output, which made more money for the manufacturing plants and the people who invested in it, but not for the workers. There came to be an oversupply of goods and not enough buyers. During this time credit sales became a big thing for people to use to buy products. The government made it easier to just put i...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

49 Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Earth Essay

Some of them, with their complicated timers and instant start-up features, constantly consume small amounts of electricity. (â€Å"Even the TV?† my wife asks. â€Å"Good thinking,† I tell her.) 3. SEPARATE YOUR GARBAGE. At our house we have separate garbage cans for glass, paper, plastic, aluminum, wood, organic matter, natural fabrics, synthetic fabrics, and rubber. (We split the work—my wife does the separating, I drop everything off at the recycling center.) 4. USE LESS WATER. We have two bricks in our toilet tank. But there’s a much simpler way to save water: Don’t flush every time! (â€Å"Don’t take the sports section in there with you!† is my wife’s tip. A sense of humor isso important.) 5. DON’T MOW THE LAWN. Let it grow. Naturally. Like a meadow. (â€Å"Like a dump!† jokes my wife.) See more:  Perseverance essay 6. DON’T SHAVE AS OFTEN. I shave once a week. (â€Å"If it’s good enough for Don Johnson,† I quip. â€Å"That was passà © years ago,† my wife informs me.) 7. DRIVE SLOWER. I try to maintain a nice, steady 40 miles per hour, the legal minimum on most highways. Also, I roll up the windows. It reduces wind resistance — and noise. (â€Å"You can’t hear those horns?† my wife asks, incredulous.) 8. SHOP WITH A RE-USABLE SHOPPING BAG. And, if you can, walk to the store. (â€Å"It’ll do wonders for your figure,† I mention casually to the missus.) 9. BOYCOTT! Boycott polluters, or anyone who sells any product that can cause pollution, or any product that might contain an ingredient that can cause pollution. (â€Å"What does that leave?† my wife asks. â€Å"Just the good stuff,† I reply.) 1 0. DO YOUR LAUNDRY BY HAND. It may be drudgery of the lowest order to have to hand-launder your clothes and hang them on a clothesline, but it saves water and energy. (â€Å"Whistle while you work,† I kid my wife. â€Å"Hitler is a jerk,† she continues. I’d forgotten that verse!) 11. TURN DOWN THE HEAT. Especially the water heater. (â€Å"They take cold showers in Sweden,† I like to hint. â€Å"Go to Sweden!†Ã¢â‚¬â€my wife.) 12. TAKE FEWER SHOWERS. But don’t share them, even if it’s been touted, albeit humorously, in other â€Å"x-number-of-simple-things-you-can-do-to-save-the-earth† books. Why? It uses more water. Figure it out for yourself. Better would be to take a bath in â€Å"recycled† bath water. Best: An occasional sponge bath. (â€Å"No, I’m not kidding,† I tell the wife.) 13. REPLACE METAL DOORKNOBS. During the winter, when it’s very dry, touch a metal doorknob and you get a little shock from the static electricity. That’s wasted electricity, I figure. We’ve replaced all our metal doorknobs with ones made of non-conducting rubber, wood or glass. (â€Å"You’ve got a screw loose,† my wife points out. And she’s right!) 14. GO SOLAR. For a small investment of about ten thousand dollars you can convert your house to solar energy. It’ll pay for itself in twenty years, I estimate. (â€Å"What next?† my wife wonders, as we all do.) 15. MOUNT A WINDMILL ON YOUR ROOF. It’s cheap—about eight hundred dollars—and easy to install. (â€Å"A little more to the right,† I yell up to her.) 16. MAKE YOUR OWN HONEY. In addition to producing delicious honey, our beehive is a real conversation starter. (â€Å"We have to talk,† my wife says. See?) 17. WORK AT HOME. Recently, I quit my job of twenty years to become a full-time writer. I write at home, on a computer. I’m not using up any gasoline or motor oil, I’m not wearing out any clothing or shoes. To put it simply: I’m not a drain on the environment. (â€Å"You don’t move,† my wife observes, exaggerating slightly.) 18. BOARD UP THE WINDOWS. Windows are nice, but they either let in too much heat, or let out too much, or vice versa. (â€Å"This is better than mini-blinds!† I shout to the wife, who can barely hear me over her own hammering.) 1 9. GET RID OF THE TELEPHONE. Think you can’t live without a telephone? Think again. We’ve done fine. (â€Å"Who would call us?† my wife rationalizes.) 20. GET RID OF THE BED. Many leading chiropractors say that sleeping on the floor, with no mattress or cushion, is the best way to sleep. (â€Å"We certainly haven’t needed a bed much lately,† my wife confides to a mutual friend.) 21. GET OUT AND ORGANIZE. At my wife’s suggestion, I got out of the house and into the community—to organize. Now I work with a diverse group of community activists and we meet four times a week—at our house. (â€Å"Whoare these people?† my wife asks. â€Å"They are the people,† I tell her proudly.) 22. BAN ALL CHLOROFLUOROCARBONS. Not just spray cans, but the refrigerator and the air conditioner. Get rid of them! We now have ice delivered to our house every day. (â€Å"You’re crazy!† my wife shouts from the kitchen. â€Å"So was Van Gogh!† I shout back.) 23. TREAT WOUNDS NATURALLY. If you’re injured, cut on the head, above the eyebrow—from a sharp piece of ice, let’s say—treat it naturally. Salt and lemon juice is the combination my wife favors. (â€Å"I want a divorce,† she says, pouring salt on my wound. â€Å"Ouch!† I say.) 24. KNOW THE LAW. And know a good lawyer. (My wife does.) 25. WHEN YOU MOVE, BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR. Having recently relocated to a smaller environment—an apartment—I can empathize with anyone who has had to go through a â€Å"moving experience† as I call it. Remember, along with a new habitat come new co-inhabitants. Get to know them. They are your neighbors and, as simplistic as this sounds, they are the keys to your survival. (When I explain this simplistic theory to one of my new neighbors, she’s fascinated. Maybe the beard works!) 26. CARPOOL. At my new part-time job I carpool with a couple of the ladies from the office. We’re saving gas, money, and we’re getting to know each other better. (â€Å"He used to have a fear of intimacy,† my wife tells the judge. On the advice of Barry, my lawyer, I can say nothing.) 27. MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR. I know, I know. But, if I could just use one earth-saving tip to draw your attention to the beautiful and cosmic experience of making love with a truly giving and understanding sexual partner. (Takethat, you lying, blood-sucking witch!) 28. SHARE YOUR SHOWERS. I’ve done a complete one-eighty on this one. Use a kitchen timer. (Or Ravel’s Bolero!) 29. WOMEN! Or should I say, women judges! (This just in: She gets the car, the house—everything except the profits from this book, Dear Reader.) 30. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. When someone (especially someone much younger and less experienced than yourself that you only met two weeks ago) tells you that one person can’t make a difference—that no matter how much shouting and yelling and â€Å"whining and complaining† one person does nothing will change, that â€Å"you’re too old to be acting that way,† that â€Å"you should settle down and focus on one thing and do that well†Ã¢â‚¬â€when someone lays that trip on you, it’s time to split. (â€Å"I can make a difference!† I tell her, gathering my things.) 31. BUNDLE AND RECYCLE NEWSPAPERS. Sorry, I lost sight of what we’re trying to do here, which is save the earth. Take all your old newspapers, bundle them together, and bring them to a recycling center. They’ll give you a few bucks, which is nothing to sneeze at. (What happened?) 32. BUY A â€Å"RECYCLED† CAR. There are some good deals in used cars—if you take the time to look. (I didn’t, and boy am I sorry.) 33. DON’T LITTER THE HIGHWAYS. Be considerate. There are laws, but they’re rarely enforced. (Except in my case, of course. I told the officer I wasn’t living in my car—it had broken down, I was tired—but: A $100 fine for vagrancy, a night in jail, a towing charge of $75, and a ticket—I’m getting rid of this damn car!) 34. KEEP FIGHTING. That’s right. No matter how tough it gets, the fight to save the earth will go on, with or without you. (Right now it’s without. I’m back to my old habits again—smoking, drinking, and hanging out with a bunch of losers. One of them is a real nut, calls himself â€Å"The Master.†) 35. DONATE OLD CLOTHING. There are people out there who can get some good use out of your old moth-eaten sweater or sports jacket or worn-out pair of shoes. (I’m a 41 short.) 36. FOLLOW THE MASTER. The Master has forged an â€Å"alliance with the human spirit† that allows him to speak directly and simultaneously to every living thing on this planet. (Follow The Master.) 37. THINK FOR YOURSELF. Take it from someone who, after having his self-esteem obliterated by a persuasive con man and his gang of sycophants, escaped on foot—with nothing to eat for nine days but wild berries and mushrooms—and lived to talk about it! (You might have seen the story in the papers—†DAZED FOLLOWER OF DIZZY GURU FOUND ON FREEWAY†) 38. HI, HOW ARE YOU? I knew it was her before I picked up the phone. (The cobwebs that covered the receiver were now sticking to my face. â€Å"Fine,† I said.) 39. DON’T BE FOOLED. A wise consumer is a protected consumer. (I told my ex this when we got together for some Irish coffee at the mini-mall, near the old house. She ended up selling that barn for—get this—$650,000! â€Å"Honey, it seems like old times!† I whooped.) 40. RECYCLE! REVIVE! RERUN! Excuse my exuberance, but something is finally happening out there—something positive, something good. People are separating their garbage. They’re using biodegradable, ecologically safe, recyclable and reusable materials. Everything old is new again! (When my ex-wife and I decided to re-marry, I suggested a â€Å"Save the Earth† clause be added to our pre-nuptial agreement. â€Å"We have to talk,† she said, showing great interest at the time.) 41. MOVE TO THE COUNTRY. Inherit the land again. That’s what we did. Bought forty-three acres in Upstate New York. It’s a working farm, where my wife can go out to the barn and milk the cows, pick out the freshest eggs and knit our clothes from the wool she shears from our very own sheep. (And I can finish this book!)

Friday, November 8, 2019

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows †Part 2

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part2 is the final release of the eight Harry Potter series. This second part completes the much anticipated adventurous two full length motion film picture. The final epic â€Å"shows a battle between the good and the evil forces of using magic in the wizard world† (Schilling np). Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This part continues from the fist Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows series where Harry seeks to find and ensure he destroys Lord Voldemort Horcruxes who killed Harry’s parents and also has for a very long time planned to kill Harry and gain control of the wizard world. Its first release on Friday 15th July recorded massive revenue returns of $ 92.1 million. According to McClintock, this collection is the biggest day gross time of all time. From overseas, the first day of the film’s opening collected $75 million in sales. Harry Potter becomes the only movie series to record the highest opening weekend record world wide with a total of $314 million breaking the record set by the Dark night series for three years internationally. Before its release, advance tickets to watch the film had recorded $32M in sales marking a new preopening record. At the beginning of March, a series of interviews were carried out after the fist preview of the movie was done. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows first poster was released on 28th march with an interesting caption â€Å"IT ALL ENDS 7.15†depicting the last series of the movie to be produced and also the first day of its first release to the theaters. In April the movie’s theatrical trailer was released showing footages of the much anticipated movie. A lot of efforts were put into consideration to market the movie. During the June MTV Awards Emma Watson gave a sneak preview of t he movie (Silvester 50). Harry Potter movies are based on the novels written by J.K Rowling, a renowned fiction writer. Records show that over 450 million books have been sold to children and hundreds have been borrowed from the libraries. Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The movie is rated 13 making it a family genre fit to be watched by all people. The reason why the movie works is because its series has been consistent in the output or the end results from each Harry Potter movie for over a decade since its creation. Feedback From the loyal fans of Harry Potter, the scale efforts used to produce the movies has not changed. More so the producers have tried to add more special effects making the movies even more interesting especially putting into consideration that the lead characters encounter ordinary situations have fears and their prejudices bringing out the fant asy world close to reality. The better part of this movie is the conversion made from 2D-3D a conversion the producers noted to have used in order to make the end result a satisfying experience to its audience and to also serve as the reason why the story becomes real. The movies production excelles in the photography techniques used (Gray np). Harry potter is a film production of the Warner Brothers Pictures. This film was produced in a number of studios including; Heyday Films, Moving Picture Company (MPC), Warner Bros. Pictures Warner Bros. and the sets were directed from Leavesden studios, Pinewood Studios. There were several distributors who were involved but the Warner Bros was the main distributor. It has been directed by David Yates, an English filmmaker and the director of the last four series of the Harry Potter movie. His film efforts have been recognized by the BAFTA awards where he was awarded for his excellence film directing. He has also directed a number of movies i ncluding, Harry Potter Half-Blood Prince, Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix, the girl in the cafà ©, Sex Traffic, Yong visitors and the Minnie TV series, the way we live now, among others. Harry Potter films makes Yates become the most influential director of the series according to the end result of the movie which has a unique sense in terms of the visual look and the style of the movie. Besides that the director, David Yates, is known to focus on character development and bringing out the emotion felt by the audience. The actors in this series include Daniel Radcliffe , Ralph Fiennes, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Alan Rickman and others who have been actors of the series since its first production in 2001. By the start of the movie series, the actors were simple ordinary actors but after the 8th movie these actors have become stars (White np) .Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the box office, the film has garnered $214,887,891 around the United States and Canada by July 20th 2011 while the international markets recorded $425,300,000 making a total of $ 640,187,891 worldwide. Its first open day was recorded as the biggest open day in terms of gross revenues in several countries. In Australia, it recorded $7.5 million, in United Kingdom $14.8 million Belgium $1.4 million, Japan $5.7 million and so forth. Deathly Hallows – Part 2 also surpassed the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 record ($1.5M) for the largest IMAX midnight launch earning approximately $2M (Lemire np). Gray, Brandon. Weekend Report: Harry Makes History. Box Office Mojo. 18 July 2011. Web. Lemire, Christy. Review: Final Potter film is sad and satisfying. Sify. 2011-07-21. Web. McClintock, Pamela. Box Office Report: ‘Harry Potter’ Grosses All-Time Domestic Best of $168.6 Million. The Hollywood Reporter. 17 July 2011. Web. Schilling, Chris. â€Å"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 – review†. The Observer. 17 July 2011. Web. Silvester, William. Harry Potter Collectors Handbook. NY: Krause, 2010. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More White, Michael. â€Å"‘Captain America’ Opens at No. 1, Knocks ‘Potter’ From Top Spot†. Bloomberg. 2011. Web.