Sunday, November 24, 2019

American Political system

Not to long ago the American Political system under went a major transition. One of the many controversies that are still shadowing this transition is the acts or misacts of the former President. Just recently he announced that he had chosen a location in Harlem to be used as his post-presidential office. Most people reacted to this decision by saying hes deceiving African-Americans in Harlem to cover up his burdens when he left the White House... the pardons or the gifts that were taken from Whitehouse. The article I will be analyzing is by Jay Nordlinger about the recent move to Harlem by Ex-President Clinton. Nordlinger is an editor for the National Review whos been covering the Clintons for a couple of years. Published by The Weekly Standard: a very conservative magazine, Nordlinger tries to explain the recent move as an attempt to put out the fire that have erupted the Clintons since leaving the White House. From what I perceived reading this article the main issue Nordlings is trying to prove is that whether our former president is using African-Americans to talk to White people? Meaning does Clinton do what he does because he wants to help the African-American society or just to improve Americans impression about him? Nordlinger undoubtedly states that the ex-president misleads the African-American society and he does everything for a purpose: to get out the many controversies that follow him day to day. He says Clinton does it over and over: runs to black people when he gets into a jam. According to Nordlinger the former President knows his relationship with black people is terrific, so he has a habit of using black people as props. The article even relates Clintons with Fidel Castro. Sometime in 1960 Fidel Castro publicly changed his expensive midtown hotel a hotel in Harlem to show commonality with the people there. So when Castro came back to New York for the U.N. gathering he was ...

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