Thursday, December 19, 2019

Hitler´s Plan The Final Solution Essay - 588 Words

We learn about the Holocaust to learn what is right and wrong and to remember the people who died. The main reason we learn about the Holocaust is so it does not happen again. Hitler was born in Austria, but was a German soldier. He was thrown in jail by the Nazi government for trying to overthrow it. While he was imprisoned he wrote a book called Mein Kampf, which tranlates to my struggle in English. Soon after he finished the book he was let out of jail early for good behavior. After that he slowly tried to make his way up the government. Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933. Hitler and his right hand man, Himmler, came up with a plan called The Final Solution. The Final Solution was a plan to eliminate all of the Jews in†¦show more content†¦Gypsies from Rome, were also on the Undesirable list. Although they were not specifically mentioned in the Nuremburg Laws, just like jews their civil rights were taken away. They were put into ghettos first, then sent to concentration and extermination camps. In all, hundreds of thousands were killed during the Holocaust. There were other people who died in the Holocaust besides Jews and Gypsies, but they made up most of the people who died. The poles and other Slavs, political dissidents and dissenting Clergy, persons with physical or mental dissabilities, Jehovahs witnesses, homosexuals, and some other victims like German Africans, made up about 4 million of the 11 million in the Holocaust. Most of the people killed in the Holocaust were killed at an extermination camp or at a concentration. An extermination camp like Aushwitz, is a camp where you are going to be killed. A concentration camp like Westbrook, is a work camp where you recycle bullets and some other works. Some people died of exaustion. The other people who did not go to any camps were shot and killed where they lived. World War II started in 1938. We entered the war in 1941 because the Japenese forces attacked our largest naval base, Pearl Harbour in Hawaii, we then attacked Germany on the beaches of Germany. This day is known as D-day. Alot of our men did not even make it on the beach. In !945 Germany surrendered and we won the war. Anne Frank is a young girl who lived throughShow MoreRelatedWhy National Socialist Germany Killed Millions Of Jews1656 Words   |  7 Pages#1 When it comes to interpreting the Final Solution, there are two main schools of thought that provide different explanations for how and why National Socialist Germany killed millions of Jews. The first interpretation is the functionalist view, which explains the Final Solution as something that came about by the chaotic and anarchical nature of the Nazi state. It places much importance on improvisation and radicalization. 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