Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Art and Protest in Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Art and Protest in Writing - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that to a new writer, attitude would be a critical component especially when sharing what has been written with other writers. Wiggins argues that every successful writer needs to posses some degree of arrogance. For example, Alvarez is a renowned novelist. In her novel Something to Declare, the author includes a reader’s comment claiming that after finishing one book by the author, the reader would automatically be led to buy another of the author’s books. This has been used as an intentional strategy by most writers to gain trust from the readers and thus make it easy to manipulate their minds in line with their purpose of the writing. This study highlights that Cambridge Educational Services introduces an important aspect in writing referred to as â€Å"wordsmithing†. This involves categorizing alphabetic symbols so as to convey a particular meaning. Writing involves use of symbols that could be easily predicted and symbolism plays an important role of communication in writing as writing in itself could have desirable or undesirable consequences. Probably, Alvarez avoiding to attack America directly for racism could be an example of symbolism in use. The author chose to use the America beauty pageant instead thus reduces chances of undesirable consequences. Most people would write about others but their works would not last. But for writers like Alvarez, their works become constantly new in the reader’s mind.  

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