Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Art and Protest in Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Art and Protest in Writing - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that to a new writer, attitude would be a critical component especially when sharing what has been written with other writers. Wiggins argues that every successful writer needs to posses some degree of arrogance. For example, Alvarez is a renowned novelist. In her novel Something to Declare, the author includes a reader’s comment claiming that after finishing one book by the author, the reader would automatically be led to buy another of the author’s books. This has been used as an intentional strategy by most writers to gain trust from the readers and thus make it easy to manipulate their minds in line with their purpose of the writing. This study highlights that Cambridge Educational Services introduces an important aspect in writing referred to as â€Å"wordsmithing†. This involves categorizing alphabetic symbols so as to convey a particular meaning. Writing involves use of symbols that could be easily predicted and symbolism plays an important role of communication in writing as writing in itself could have desirable or undesirable consequences. Probably, Alvarez avoiding to attack America directly for racism could be an example of symbolism in use. The author chose to use the America beauty pageant instead thus reduces chances of undesirable consequences. Most people would write about others but their works would not last. But for writers like Alvarez, their works become constantly new in the reader’s mind.  

Monday, October 28, 2019

Principles of personal devlpment Essay Example for Free

Principles of personal devlpment Essay Data protection act Freedom of information act 1995 Aii) Human rights act Disability discrimination act 1995 Aiii) Human rights act Control of substances hazardous to health regulations 2002 Aiv) Care standards act 2000 Code of practice Av) Safeguarding vulnerable adults groups act 2006 Policies and procedures Avi) A PDP is a personal development plan and is done between you and your manager. They will record all information about your learning and development needs in work. Things like targets, agreed objectives and activities to meet them and standards that are required. These all build your own appraisal. Avii) Carers, members of staff that work with you. The individuals you care for and their family Supervisor, manager. Task B Case study Bi) Jenna must make sure that she respects other people’s beliefs even though they may be different to her own. She must go about this in a non-judgmental way. She should also read through people’s care plans to gain better knowledge of them and their needs. I also think Jenna should put her own beliefs to one side and then discuss with her boss any issues she may have. It is essential for carers to respect each and every individual as an individual, not letting anything affect this. Maybe she should also look back on how she has spoken to the service user and make sure she doesn’t come across as rude or nasty in the future. Bii) It is very important to reflect on your work activities as it’s a very good way to develop skills and make sure you understand everything. It will also give you chance to plan how you are going to behave if the situation happens again. You can make changes and improve the way you work, it is also very important to reflect on your own behaviour and see how it affects others. During these reflections it’s a very good time to find the help and support you may need to better the way you work. E. g. training sessions. When working in care it is important that you learn to think about your own practice in a constructive way. Reflection and evaluation should not undermine your confidence but you should use them in a constructive way to identify areas for improvement. Ci) Moving and handling course – training session Knowing how to safely move a resident e. g. hoist. Skills – risk assessment is needed for each person, which sling is safe etc. do they need a hoist. We need to know the risks because if the manoeuvre is not completed properly this can cause falls and accidents. Cii) During my senior training I received feedback during my senior training, on how to do peg feeds safely and effectively. My first time, I didn’t happen to flush enough water, so my assessor informed me of this, which then improved my skill as a senior to do my job role properly. I then had then knowledge and skills to improve my work role.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Factors Affecting the Decomposition of Marble Buildings by Acid Rain :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation

Factors Affecting the Decomposition of Marble Buildings by Acid Rain Background Acid Rain: Nitrogen acids and sulphur dioxides come out of tall chimneys and vehicles. These go into the air, and air currents carry the gases away, and they react with water vapour and oxygen. This produces H2SO4 (sulphuric acid) and HNO3 (nitric acid). The acids become part of a cloud, and it falls down to earth, as acid rain or snow. This can end up miles away from the original source. The acid rain removes nutrients from soil, so plants can not get to them, so this eventually kills surrounding die. It can also get into lakes and rivers, which can kill fish. The same is true for acid snow as it kills fish in rivers and lakes. Rates of reactions: This is how quick a reaction is, you can find out the rate of a reaction by seeing how much of it is used up in a particular amount of time. You could also measure how much is produced as a result of the reaction in a particular amount of time. Reactions take place because of collisions, the particles (can be atoms, ions or molecules) collide, and a reaction occurs between particles. If there are more collisions, the reaction will be much quicker. But it also depends on whether the collision has enough energy, to be successful. If there is not enough energy, then the collision will be unsuccessful, but if there is, it will be successful, and a reaction will occur. Unsuccessful collisions take place when the activation energy is not reached. The activation energy is the amount of energy needed for a successful collision. There are factors which affect the rate of a reaction, and also if the collisions are successful or not. Temperature rise gives particles more energy, and as thy move around more and much quicker they have collisions. Also it gives particles more energy, so that when they collide the collisions are more successful. Both these things mean that there is a faster reaction rate. But, if temperature decreases there is a slower reaction rate, as there is less energy. If there is larger surface area, it also means that reactions are quicker. The reason for this is that there are more particles exposed to take part in collisions. So the more collisions means, more successful collisions, and a faster reaction rate. If surface area is decreased, then there are fewer exposed particles, therefore a slower reaction rate. Also concentration, affects reaction rate. In gases it is the pressure. If there is a greater concentration, then there are more particles in the same volume.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Of Mice and Men †Critique Essay

Of Mice and Men, directed by Gary Sinise, is a four star movie compared to the book, written by John Steinbeck in 1937. The movie was produced 55 years later in 1992, yet still captures the faithful companionship between George and Lennie. Sinise also manages to depict Steinbeck’s main themes and develops the characters almost up to the same level. The first difference I would like to explain to prospective audiences is how director Gary Sinise adapts the movie Of Mice and Men to viewers’ preferences and excludes John Steinbeck’s literary sense and purpose. For example, Steinbeck starts the novel with a scene after they have run away from a ranch because of a mishap with Lennie accidentally harassing a woman. Sinise begins with the scene just before- when Lennie and George are actually running away from the ranch owners, equipped with horses and dogs, to save their lives. The working scenes have been lengthened to show the audience the exhausting labor of the ranch hands. It is â€Å"dumb-proofed† for the viewers in order to keep them interested and attached to the film. The aspects of filming, of course, differ from the aspects of the imagination. Gary Sinise must use his own imagination and construct those images into reality on film. He has to cast the actors according to skill and appearance, develop scenes to suit the common people’s taste, he must worry about costumes, makeup, shooting, sets, set changes, time spans†¦ and the most stressful of them all, working with other people to illustrate his view of Of Mice and Men. One can’t be too harsh in critiquing a movie when its predecessor is a novel by John Steinbeck. There can be, naturally, absolutely no comparison to the human imagination, but Sinise does it with only a few imperfections and adjustments to the plot. Let me commence with Sinise’s choice of casting. Lennie, played by John Malkovich, maintains the childlike, simple character Steinbeck creates in his novel. Other film critics might disagree with me, but I believe that Malkovich was entirely convincing thro ughout his performance. George, played by Gary Sinise himself (and I must say that he must be partially â€Å"self-satisfied† to cast himself) was a confusing actor at times, changing his relationship to Lennie on several different occasions. He is, on one hand, very harsh towards Lennie and tells him what to do and what not to do, basically being domineering. On the other hand, however, George seems to be very compassionate and caring in his relationship with Lennie. Honestly, I was confused. Does George really want Lennie around, or is he just loyal to his promise to Lennie’s aunt, Clara? Who is George? Hopefully you can comprehend this sporadic behavior, because I certainly have not. An example of this is when George cleans the blood off of Lennie’s face after a fight- his movements are gentle and kind, whereas when George forces Lennie to stay at the ranch while ‘the guys’ go out for a drink. His attitudes in these two incidents are totally opposing each other. At least in Steinbeck’s book it was clear that although George was officious, he loved him. George’s annoyance is weaker than his profound unity and one-ness with him. Curley’s wife is described as a very racist, harmful, flirtatious person, who is all too aware of her power and consequently abuses it. For example, she threatens an innocent Crooks, â€Å"‘Listen, Nigger,’ she said, ‘You know what I can do to you if you open your trap?'†1 Sinise’s depiction of her in the movie, however, is not as despicable. She holds a pitiable role and always is portrayed as the victim. The audience begins to sympathize with her, although, in the book, she was the one to initiate all the trouble. Curley’s wife, in the novel, abused Lennie’s stupidity and the fact that he was fascinated by her- Sinise shows the opposite in the movie, because he represents her attraction to Lennie as one of friendship. Sinise also had to think about the skill of his actors. It seemed as though Sinise chose the actors well, because they fundamentally illustrated the feelings of the director and how he wanted to have the characters form relationships and emotions. Although the casting and level of skill was satisfactory, Sinise sometimes made scenes too extensive and irrelevant to the topic of the book. For example, when Lennie kills the puppy in the barn, he does not throw it away as he does in the book. Another similar difference is when Lennie accidentally kills Curley’s wife by breaking her neck and he does not cover her in the hay, also left out from the novel. This is a mistake, because concealing the puppy and Curley’s wife shows that Lennie is remorseful of the acts he has committed, and in the movie it is not shown like that. Sinise must also consider camera shooting. Obviously camera shots are not as effective as the descriptions in the book, because you can picture what you want, and not only what the director guesses you will want to see. Sinise, as all directors, tells the audience what to imagine. Therefore it is not as interesting as reading the book yourself and letting your imagination grow. So, if I were to recommend this movie to you, I would recommend reading the novel first. Reading Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck will show you what I am talking about in the movie. Because Steinbeck’s intentions are slightly altered in the film, you can fully appreciate this piece of theater whilst valuing the literature it sprung from. Sinise changes feelings, maybe not intentionally, but however hard he tried, he didn’t succeed perfectly. I won’t be too critical- perhaps he had to make cuts which thus excluding important relationship formations or conclusions. Overall the movie was good, but the book is of no comparison. Read Steinbeck’s version first, then decide for yourself. Me? I’m only one opinion. 1 John Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men, Penguin Books, (c)1937, London, England. Page 80.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Adoloscence and substance abuse Essay

Adolescence is a critical period in human development. It is the period during which individuals undergo biological, psychological and social transformations, as they become adults. These transformations occur simultaneously and without conscious awareness by youth going through these changes. Any transformation an adolescent goes through may have an impact on the introduction and progression of teenage substance use. Substance abuse is drug abuse. Most substance abusers globally are the adolescents. This is because their developmental stage is vulnerable to anything. The brain development of an adolescent is not fully developed. A teenager may physically resemble an adult but still lack the brain maturation to think like one. To expect adolescents to make adult like decisions in regard to substance use is an unlikely expectation for most teenagers. Adolescence is defined as those behavioral changes that take place between childhood and maturity or adulthood. It is the changing period from childhood to adulthood. Adolescence is viewed as a time where biological, psychological and social transitions take place. It is the most critical stage of human development. During adolescence, different behavior patterns become more frequent (Cobb, 2006). These behavioral trends include risk- taking behaviors, conflicts between the adolescence peers and parents and greater social development. Every individual adapts to their behavior depending on how they were brought up, their social interactions and adult influences. The physical development of adolescence is known as puberty. It is the stage a person is able to reproduce (Cobb, 2006). Adolescence Physical development is all about the body changes. It involves genital growth, changes in body odor. Voice changes, growth of pubic hair, breast development and menstruation in female. The psychosocial development of adolescence is complicated. It involves hormones, love interests and intellectual pursuits. All this complicates adolescence development. In this development, stress, depression, lack of sleep, and anxiety are common among teenagers (Johnston et al, 2006). It is during this psychosocial development that adolescent teenagers are at risk of bad behavior. This development mostly involves intellectual pursuits and social interactions. Adolescents’ brains are usually not fully developed. This plays a major role in immature emotional and cognitive development. It is during adolescence that teenagers adapt easily to different behaviors. How bad and well the behavior is depended on how an individual was brought up and the social interactions. Many risky behaviors such as substance abuse start at the adolescent stage of human development. Adolescence is also a time when young individuals take risks that can have a long time effects on their health and well being. Substance abuse is the misuse of drugs. Most adolescents are prone to drugs and substance abuse. This is because the adolescent brains are not fully developed, and this plays a role in the decisions they make. Immature brain sections may place teenagers at prominent risk to the effects of drugs. Misuse of drugs or substance abuse is mostly associated with the adolescents. Globally, it is estimated through research that five billion people who abuse or use substances are the adolescent (Johnston et al, 2006). Adolescence is a period of significant personal development. It is in this adolescent stage that teenagers are let to make their own decisions. They choose their friends and how they want to live their life. It is during this stage that they can adapt easily to certain behaviors due to influences. It is said that adolescence is the time of testing and novelty seeking. Curiosity on drugs is one way that makes young people abuse substances. Millions of young people try an illicit drug at least once during their adolescent years. The most common substance abuse among adolescents is alcohol and tobacco. Most of the teenagers will have tried either of the two or both. It is estimated that twelve years is the average age of children to take their first alcoholic drink. Nearly 20 percent of twelve to twenty year old is considered to be binge drinkers (Cobb, 2006). Tobacco smoking is also prone to adolescents. Most smokers globally start at their teenage years hence become addicted. It is said that teens are more vulnerable to addiction and receptive to nicotine than are those who start to smoke as adults. Causes of adolescence substance use vary. Peer selection processes, peer influences and cognitive biases play a major role in adolescents substance use. Parental influences also play a role in adolescence substance use. How the adolescent is raised and how the parents behave with them is important to their development. The parent teenage relationship plays major roles in adolescent substance use. Substance abuse has its effects to an individual. Adolescents who use substances frequently are at risk for healthy problems. Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs have certain effects that can cause mental and heath problems. Substance abuse adolescents are at a high risk for various issues that may disrupt with their development. The physical, psychological and social effects of adolescent substance or drug abuse can have lasting consequences for the individual. This may interfere with a successful transition from adolescence to adulthood. On-going adolescent substance abuse can make an individual be at a greater risk for addiction in adulthood (Cobb, 2006). The physical consequences of adolescent substance abuse affect an individual physical development. Physical injuries and illnesses occur as a result of drug related accidents and overdoses. The psychological consequences of adolescent substance abuse affect an individual psychological development. Psychological development is all about the brain. The Misuse and overdose of substances leads to mental health problems. Alcohol is one substance that affects an individual psychological development (Cobb, 2006). Tobacco misuse can lead to illnesses such as lung cancer. Other problems may also arise due to tobacco smoking. These illnesses caused by substance abuse can also lead to death. Prolonged substance abuse can cause depression an anxiety, which can disrupt an adolescent ability to function and develop in a productive manner. There are also social consequences due to adolescent substance abuse. Adolescents who frequently abuse substances are more likely to have issues with their social development. Most of them tend to isolate themselves from family and friends. They are also more likely to have troubles with the law and law enforcers. Due to this, the adolescent substance abuser can bring problems within the family. Adolescence is a critical stage. Parents, teachers and any other adult should be role models for healthy behaviors. This is because adolescents adapt certain behavior from their peers and adults. Substance abuse affects adolescents mostly, and this can be avoided if the child to adolescent development is proper. Substance abuse causes major risks to adolescence development. Due to this, it is important for adolescents to be taught good behavior and be corrected when they wrong. Parents, teachers or other adults are people who should play major roles in teenagers’ life. They are a great influence in adolescents hence should be well role models. References Cobb, N. (2006). Adolescence. New York: McGraw-Hill. Johnston, L. D. , O’Malley, P. M. , & Bachman, J. G. (2006). Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use. New York: National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Realistic and romantic elements in essays

Realistic and romantic elements in essays Realistic and Romantic Elements of The Overcoat Gogols The Overcoat has many realistic and romantic elements. In my opinion there are more romantic elements. It seems that this is a type of bedtime story for a child. Its purpose conveys to me a lesson of treat everyone as equal or you will be humbled yourself. Some of the realistic elements I have picked up on are as follows: The compassion of the new clerk and the reaction of the person of consequence after his friend leaves seem somewhat realistic because some people feel sorry for those in compromising situations and feel regret after scolding someone who may not necessarily have deserved such intensity, but as did the person of consequence when he went to his friends house after learning of Akakys death, they get on with their lives. Unlike Akakys leisure time activities, the pastimes of the other clerks seemed realistic, for example, they played cards, went to movies and parties and gossiped with others. The timidity of Akaky seemed to be an exaggeration of realistic. I have known many people to be timid and to use vague phrases and unfinished questions, maybe not quite as much as Akaky, to get their points across. They also seemed incapable of asserting themselves or sticking up for themselves to a superior. Another realistic element was when the narrator claimed not to know what Akaky was thinking about the picture in the window made this absolutely true story seem more realistic. The person of consequences power happy attitude toward his subordinates seemed realistic; this is best exemplified by young police officers when dealing with teenagers. The main characters name being Akaky, resembling kaka or defecator is one of many romantic elements. Among others is the way he is treated by his coworkers, before he gets his new coat they pick on him as children might do to another, an...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Functions Management

The Functions Management Management is process of working with resources to attain goals and objectives of an organization. This can only be achieved through working with human resource, and proper planning and good supervision of all the processes involved. The organizational processes include marketing, transportation, accounts, manufacture of goods and delivery. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Functions Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, this paper focuses on the four functions of management, which are: planning, leading, organizing, and controlling. They are important in any type of organization including manufacturing, distribution, and service organizations. However, the following paragraphs define the functions of management in relation to manufacturing organizations. Planning is a function in management which means thinking ahead about the future of the organization and actions to be taken. It is an organizat ion of activities tasks to be performed, and it determines who is to do a certain task, how the task should be done, and where it should be done. Planning reflects on human resources and physical resources to get valuable contribution, control, and the right regulation. It is the best function because when proper plans are laid down it enables others to carry out managerial functions perfectly to achieve the set goals (Bateman Snell, 2009, p.19). In planning, there should be creation of objectives such as goals and also the formation of planning grounds. Since manufacturing organizations deal with procedural standards of creating products, planning enables employees not to turn away from the set goals and hence, they follow each step in a systematic manner. The courses of actions should be laid down, which entails the advantages, disadvantages, and the consequences. Witzel (2008, p.96) affirms that secondary plans should be reflected on. These are the subordinate plans that suppo rt the main plan which includes the budgets, timetables, and processes which helps with the program of manufacturing of goods. Cooperation of implementation of these plans should be assured by involving the employees together with the management in the planning process. Lastly, there should be a follow-up of the plans implemented. The second management function that follows planning is organizing. In this function, authority and responsibility is defined and harmonization of human resource, monetary resource, and material resource gets into action. Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Tasks which are to be performed, such as stock control, keeping records, and putting accounts in order are recognized. For instance, manufactures of physical products such as cars must exercise stock control to avoid fluctuations in demand. Likewise, sorting out the organization activiti es into small groups or dividing a large department into small departments with similar tasks is important in a manufacturing organization. Consequently, when the departments have been set, it is the role of the manager to delegate authority to people. Managerial positions are arranged into a hierarchy, for example, from top management, middle management, and lower management (Bateman and Snell, 2009, p.20). This brings a smooth flow of processes without duplication, wastage of money, time, and efforts. Relations are set up and each group knows whom to report to, and whom to take orders from. Third, leading entails persuading people to work hard in their line of duty. It includes mobilizing people and communicating with workers, individually or in teams. Managers in manufacturing organizations teach, direct and watch over how the employees carry out their given tasks to achieve the set objectives and goals. This is where the manager supervises each individual’s performance a nd sees into it that the tasks are performed well. Inactive individuals are identified and actions are taken such as replacement because supervising human beings is difficult. Motivation and communication are essential in this stage because individuals are able to give their opinions and experiences (Bateman Snell, 2009, p.20). Finally, controlling is the management function of overseeing work procedures and making necessary modifications. The executives confirm whether the processes are in agreement with the set goals. If they find any deviation from the set plans, they take the best actions (Bateman Snell, 2009, p.19). Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Functions Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In a manufacturing company, the actual performance of any process is compared with the normal performance and this is done by managers in all levels. Controlling and planning are interrelated because manage rs cannot plan without controlling and vice versa. Usually, planning is important in the manufacturing of goods because processes are examined to ensure fulfillment and consistency of goods. Control examines the quality of goods and processes because changes in processes affects the quality of goods. There has to be enough labour force to carry out procedures, especially when goods are on high demand and the tasks performed by the employees are examined. Deviations to procedures are examined by the managers with proper organization which entails delegation of tasks and responsibilities in manufacture of goods (Mejia, Balkin, Cardy, 2006). In conclusion, management functions create a good working environment for employees and cooperation within the workforce. Job positions and functions performed by each are made clear. A manager can make free decisions such as adoption of new processes; this brings about flexibility in an organization and proper and effective ways of the producti on of goods. Therefore, manufacturing organizations depend on the four functions of management to make high quality products. References Bateman, T.S Snell, S.A. (2009). Management: Leading and Collaborating in the Competitive World (8th ed.). New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies. Mejia, L. G., Balkin, D. B. Cardy L. R. (2006). Management: People, Performance, Change. New York: McGraw-Hill.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Witzel, M. (2003). Fifty Key Figures in Management. California: Routledge.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Olfactory System - Sense of Smell

Olfactory System - Sense of Smell The olfactory system is responsible for our sense of smell. This sense, also known as olfaction, is one of our five main senses and involves the detection and identification of molecules in the air. Once detected by sensory organs, nerve signals are sent to the brain where the signals are processed. Our sense of smell is closely linked our sense of taste as both rely on the perception of molecules. It is our sense of smell that allows us to detect the flavors in the foods we eat. Olfaction is one of our most powerful senses. Our sense of smell can ignite memories as well as influence our mood and behavior. Olfactory System Structures   Patrick J. Lynch, medical illustrator / Creative Commons / Wikimedia Commons Our sense of smell is a complex process that depends on sensory organs, nerves, and the brain. Structures of the olfactory system include: Nose - opening containing nasal passages that allows outside air to flow into the nasal cavity. Also a component of the respiratory system, it humidifies, filters, and warms the air inside the nose.Nasal cavity - cavity divided by the nasal septum into left and right passages. It is lined with mucosa.Olfactory epithelium - specialized type of epithelial tissue in nasal cavities that contains olfactory nerve cells and receptor nerve cells. These cells send impulses to the olfactory bulb.Cribriform plate - a porous extension of the ethmoid bone, which separates the nasal cavity from the brain. Olfactory nerve fibers extend through the holes in the cribriform to reach the olfactory bulbs.Olfactory nerve - nerve (first cranial nerve) involved in olfaction. Olfactory nerve fibers extend from the mucous membrane, through the cribriform plate, to the olfactory bulbs.Olfactory bulbs - bulb-shaped structures in the forebrain where olfactory nerves end and the olfactory tract begins.Olfactory tract - band of nerve fibers that extend from each olfactory bulb to the olfactory cortex of the brain. Olfactory cortex - area of the cerebral cortex that processes information about odors and receives nerve signals from the olfactory bulbs. Our Sense of Smell Our sense of smell works by the detection of odors. Olfactory epithelium located in the nose contains millions of chemical receptors that detect odors. When we sniff, chemicals in the air are dissolved in mucus. Odor receptor neurons in olfactory epithelium detect these odors and send the signals on to the olfactory bulbs. These signals are then sent along olfactory tracts to the olfactory cortex of the brain. The olfactory cortex is vital for the processing and perception of odor. It is located in the temporal lobe of the brain, which is involved in organizing sensory input. The olfactory cortex is also a component of the limbic system. This system is involved in the processing of our emotions, survival instincts, and memory formation. The olfactory cortex has connections with other limbic system structures such as the amygdala, hippocampus, and hypothalamus. The amygdala is involved in forming emotional responses (particularly fear responses) and memories, the hippocampus indexes and stores memories, and the hypothalamus regulates emotional responses. It is the limbic system that connects senses, such as odors, to our memories and emotions. Sense of Smell and Emotions The connection between our sense of smell and emotions is unlike that of the other senses because olfactory system nerves connect directly to brain structures of the limbic system. Odors can trigger both positive and negative emotions as aromas are associated with specific memories. Additionally, studies have demonstrated that the emotional expressions of others can influence our olfactory sense. This is due to activity of an area of the brain known as the piriform cortex which is activated prior to odor sensation. The piriform cortex processes visual information and creates an expectation that a particular fragrance will smell pleasant or unpleasant. Therefore, when we see a person with a disgusted facial expression before sensing an odor, there is an expectation that the odor is unpleasant. This expectation influences how we perceive the odor. Odor Pathways Odors are detected through two pathways. The first is the orthonasal pathway which involves odors that are sniffed in through the nose. The second is the retronasal pathway which is a pathway that connects the top of the throat to the nasal cavity. In the orthonasal pathway, odors that enter the nasal passages and are detected by chemical receptors in the nose. The retronasal pathway involves aromas that are contained within the foods we eat. As we chew food, odors are released that travel through the retronasal pathway connecting the throat to the nasal cavity. Once in the nasal cavity, these chemicals are detected by olfactory receptor cells in the nose. Should the retronasal pathway become blocked, the aromas in foods we eat can not reach odor detecting cells in the nose. As such, the flavors in the food can not be detected. This often happens when a person has a cold or sinus infection. Smell Disorders Individuals with smell disorders have difficulty detecting or perceiving odors. These difficulties may result from factors such as smoking, aging, upper respiratory infection, head injury, and exposure to chemicals or radiation. Anosmia is a condition defined by the inability to detect odors. Other types of smell defects include parosmia (a distorted perception of odors) and phantosmia (odors are hallucinated). Hyposmia, the diminished sense of smell, is also linked to the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsons and Alzheimers disease. Sources: Merkelt, Judith. How the Emotions of Others Influence Our Olfactory Sense. Neuroscience News, 24 Aug. 2017, Sarafoleanu, C, et al. The Importance of the Olfactory Sense in the Human Behavior and Evolution. J Med Life, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 15 Apr. 2009, Smell Disorders. National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 16 Jan. 2018,

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Researched essay on dining experience in advanced dementia care

Researched on dining experience in advanced dementia care - Essay Example â€Å"People who reach the advanced stage of dementia when food intake is curtailed have a low metabolic rate. Their resting metabolic rate is low because muscle wasting has shrunk their lean body mass and their brains are atrophic; their metabolic rate above basal is low because they are physically inactive.† (Aldridge 2006) Finally, they have a history of weight loss, which the body adapts to by diminishing its metabolic rate and retaining dietary protein more effectively. This adapted state can persist indefinitely. Hoffer writers, that â€Å"severely demented people may be thin and eat less food than seems appropriate to their physically active (and not infrequently overweight) doctors, nurses, and surrogate decision makers; but in many if not most cases they are not progressively starving. They are in a state of physiological homoeostasis.† (Hoffer 2006) Nevertheless, in some patients the weight loss profile shows that, without tube feeding, death by starvation is unavoidable. Thus, the problem of tube feeding is being discussed. Music therapy is a treatment which uses music and its components (melody, rhythm, vocal and instrumental performance, and so on) to make the patient heighten his perception, improve his â€Å"ability to use speech, motorics, socialization and, to open up to his unconscious self.† (Edwards 2002) â€Å"Musical stimuli like tones or melodies are known to be processed in the secondary auditory cortex in the right superior temporal gyrus.†

Friday, October 18, 2019

Issues in Australian Health Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Issues in Australian Health Services - Essay Example Australia has many problems in the healthcare system of today, very much like many other countries in the world . In an effort to determine what the top issues for this system are, a survey was done. This survey was posted on Google Master and healthcare workers were informed that it was available. The goal was five responses and twelve actually responded all professionals and all but two were RNs. This paper will take the results of this survey and compare the top three issues to the research. (Note full results of survey in Appendix A). The top three issues as noted in the survey of professionals in the system were, in this order, the increasing aging population including the aging of the healthcare workforce itself, lack of adequate funding to meet the needs of the community or to incentivize nurses to join or remain in the system, and access to health care for rural Australians. All of these three issues, though they appear to be different are tied to two issues. The first is the nursing shortage and the second is the political atmosphere related to healthcare at this time. Research supports the surveyed nurses and their concerns about healthcare in Australia. The biggest challenge at this time is the increased need for care causing a high demand when there are both financial and manpower shortages in the healthcare industry (Gray, Mell & Meinsch, 2009). There is a major shortage of carrers for an increasing number of paitents entering the system. According to Australian Nursing Federation (ANF, 2006). workers in aged care are less often supervised than they need to be based on the fact that there no one to supervise. The Aged Care Assessment Team is becoming overwhelmed and the effect of that is shift to stigmatizing, targeting, and selecting of available care for those that most often need it (Gray, 2009). The second group that deals with this issue is the HACC (home and community care) which is a

Medical Billing and Coding Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Medical Billing and Coding - Research Paper Example In healthcare systems, there are also regulations that govern the way in which the institutions bill their goods and services. In an argument by Kavaler & Spiegel (2003) prior to the creation of billing strategies a healthcare institution should ensure the specifications provided for by the both the W.T.O and legal laws in the country are adhered to. For instance, in some nations all public healthcare institutions are required to give free Tuberculosis funds. In these nations, such a law must be adhered to by all institutions regardless of the preferred billing strategy by an organization. This is different from other business entities which have the freedom to price their commodities. It is a democratic country, business entities are given the freedom to decide on their preferred pricing decisions (Lucas, 2008). However, health institutions are not independent because of their function in the environment. The influence of medical institutions should be regulated in order to promote equality in the provision of the service. Different in the healthcare system pricing is the fact that there are specific quoted prices for drugs. This makes the market an equal opportunity for success for all institutions. Additionally, this fact reduces the competition level of the market. Healthcare institution cannot use the pricing strategy to gain a greatest competitive advantage. However, health care institutions have the opportunity to alter this disadvantage when providing services for patients. The pricing of services is not regulated by any healthy body. Healthcare  institutions only rely on pricing services to satisfy their billing objectives. For this reason, many organizations invest mostly in providing quality services. Additionally, the quality of services provided is directly proportional to the pricing of the service. However, a significant number of healthcare organizations alter the quoted market price by a slim margin to incorporate cost incurred through processes like logistics. Apart from altering the market price, healthcare institutions offer specific purchasing packages.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

In your OWN words, prepare a Microsoft Word report to provide evidence Essay

In your OWN words, prepare a Microsoft Word report to provide evidence of advanced knowledge of a concept taught in one of week - Essay Example But what is the definition of electronic commerce? One definition of electronic commerce states that it is the use of computer networks in business, with the aim of increasing profitability and increasing market share and brand reach (Watson et al. 2008). Another definition of electronic commerce states that it is any form of business transaction done in the internet (Department of Trade and Economic Development – Government of South Australia n.d.). There may be a lot of varying definitions, but most of these definitions boil down to one common theme: the use of the internet in conducting business transactions, as opposed to physical contact in doing business. One of the main reasons why electronic commerce has already been one of the most popular choices for many businesses is because of the fact that electronic commerce has been able to improve organizational efficiency and other logistical problems in conducting business. ... on logistical expenses, especially on marketing their respective products, due to the fact that maintaining a website and investing on search engine optimization services to reach out on prospective customers online is more cost-effective, as compared to physically distributing marketing tools to customers or hiring advertising firms to advertise on tri-media. In this case, lessening such costs will surely increase the profitability of any business. In addition, by using electronic commerce, clients can now have much more convenience in giving feedbacks to the goods and services that they receive, especially through online surveys that online businesses actually uses. This mechanism will surely help businesses in evaluating their own performances and giving much better services to clients. In terms of gaining a larger market share, the best thing about electronic commerce is that it has the ability to reach out to millions of customers worldwide in just a matter of seconds. This woul d be virtually impossible for other businesses who are not engaged in electronic commerce. In addition, it is important to take note that consumers nowadays are more comfortable in looking for goods and services through the internet, given its speed, reliability, and the convenience that it offers to consumers. Also, because electronic commerce relies much on the internet, it would be able to deliver services to clients at a much faster pace than usual. Take note that consumers nowadays can now do their shopping in the comfort of their own homes, and that companies can now provide the specific needs of customers in just a matter of clicks, without bothering them to go physically into the merchandising stores of companies. This will surely make businesses deliver their goods and services

Effective Privatization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Effective Privatization - Essay Example (Yarrow 1999, 157-168) Transfer f ownership makes credible the fact that the firm does not have limitless government backing (although governments do bail out even private companies from time to time) for example it bailed out the rail companies and rail track because transport is vital to the economy. (Vickers 1991) Selling assets at a fair price leaves government wealth unaltered. If prospects f tougher treatment in the future lead to productivity improvements in state firms the government becomes better off when the productivity improves not when (or if) the firm is sold. (Chang 1992, 31-32) Many privatised firms now face intense competition often from abroad. However, natural monopolies have aquired a new framework f regulation. This has favoured price capping, administered by independent regularity agencies (quangoes) and subject to periodic review. (Shirley 1999, 115-136) Increasingly, the UK has been driven to regulate not merely conduct but structure. This presupposes that some parts f a natural monopoly can be hived off and become suitable for competition. In practice, this has usually been down stream activities in a vertically related industry i.e. union f firms at different production stages in the same industry. (Vickers 1991) To as Recent privatisations include 1British Rail (now taken back into public ownership as a not for profit organisation) 2 British Air Ways 3 Air Traffic Control 4 British Steel 5 British Gas 6 British Telecom 7 The Water Companies 8 And most Power Companies To assess the effects f the present governments nationalisation policy we would have to take in to consideration the fact that we have a socialist government, one f whose key beliefs is that public ownership is the better way to run the country, although this government does not appear to be as hard line in that respect as previous Labour Governments. (Stiglitz 1994, 307-323) Arguments for Privatisation 1 Opening up production and consumption to market forces, increase competition, economic efficiency and consumer choice 2 Breaking down monopolies into more competitive industries and introduces competition into the goods market 3 Enables the privatised firms to compete for finance on the private capital markets both home and abroad 4 Ensures that firms become accountable to their shareholders and their desire for profit 5 Ensures that businesses are run on commercial rather than political grounds 6 Reduces the burden on the governments finances to support nationalised industries Arguments against Privatisation 1 Privatisation may simply create private sector monopolies with high barriers to new firms entering the industry. There are a number f reasons why these might exist; (a)The existing firm has significant economies f scale that new firms cannot compete as in the case f natural monopolies (b) The start up costs for new firms are prohibitive 2 Privatised firms make decisions based on commercial profit maximising grounds. Nationalised firms make decisions in the public interest. If the government want to focus on poverty reduction and development then

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

In your OWN words, prepare a Microsoft Word report to provide evidence Essay

In your OWN words, prepare a Microsoft Word report to provide evidence of advanced knowledge of a concept taught in one of week - Essay Example But what is the definition of electronic commerce? One definition of electronic commerce states that it is the use of computer networks in business, with the aim of increasing profitability and increasing market share and brand reach (Watson et al. 2008). Another definition of electronic commerce states that it is any form of business transaction done in the internet (Department of Trade and Economic Development – Government of South Australia n.d.). There may be a lot of varying definitions, but most of these definitions boil down to one common theme: the use of the internet in conducting business transactions, as opposed to physical contact in doing business. One of the main reasons why electronic commerce has already been one of the most popular choices for many businesses is because of the fact that electronic commerce has been able to improve organizational efficiency and other logistical problems in conducting business. ... on logistical expenses, especially on marketing their respective products, due to the fact that maintaining a website and investing on search engine optimization services to reach out on prospective customers online is more cost-effective, as compared to physically distributing marketing tools to customers or hiring advertising firms to advertise on tri-media. In this case, lessening such costs will surely increase the profitability of any business. In addition, by using electronic commerce, clients can now have much more convenience in giving feedbacks to the goods and services that they receive, especially through online surveys that online businesses actually uses. This mechanism will surely help businesses in evaluating their own performances and giving much better services to clients. In terms of gaining a larger market share, the best thing about electronic commerce is that it has the ability to reach out to millions of customers worldwide in just a matter of seconds. This woul d be virtually impossible for other businesses who are not engaged in electronic commerce. In addition, it is important to take note that consumers nowadays are more comfortable in looking for goods and services through the internet, given its speed, reliability, and the convenience that it offers to consumers. Also, because electronic commerce relies much on the internet, it would be able to deliver services to clients at a much faster pace than usual. Take note that consumers nowadays can now do their shopping in the comfort of their own homes, and that companies can now provide the specific needs of customers in just a matter of clicks, without bothering them to go physically into the merchandising stores of companies. This will surely make businesses deliver their goods and services

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Is our Education System Failing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Is our Education System Failing - Essay Example Research evidence seems to indicate the problem may be one of inappropriate measurement methods; however, a more detailed examination of American secondary schools indicates that although measurement methods might negatively affect our estimates about how much high schools are failing students, an underlying problem still exists and it needs to be corrected. This underlying problem with secondary schools is one that revolves around the concept of accountability, and a number of issues emerge from unaccountable schools. An important consideration to make when considering the success or failure of American secondary schools is the statistics involved with either side of the argument. A graduation rate is a good indicator of whether a specific school is successfully educating and preparing its students. Therefore, it is essential to see whether the statistical measurements of graduation are actually correct or not. Swanson (analyzes American graduation rates across the country, and offe rs a resource for better evaluating and measuring the graduation crisis. The analysis points to a clear role for public policy in improving the conditions and environmental circumstances in which American secondary schools operate. An important consequence of this is that â€Å"the findings here do tell us that there is a strong and very detrimental linkage between graduation rates and the environmental conditions that go along with factors like poverty and segregation† (Swanson, 2003, p. 35). Accordingly, the author of this report is convinced that incorrect concepts of graduation rates leads to incorrect views (and incorrect solutions) of the educational crisis. That is, by identifying the environmental circumstances surrounding failing schools, officials can be better prepared with â€Å"better knowledge† about how to fix the problem. However, ascribing poor graduation rates to environmental circumstances (such as poverty and segregation) is a point of view that mov es responsibility for failings away from the schools themselves. Swanson (2003) is suggesting that the only solutions to the graduation crisis can only come from successful interventions, which implies that internal changes to schools is not an effective strategy. But studies such as Chiang (2009) indicate that accountability pressure, which is defined as the â€Å"threat of sanctions on low-performing schools,† is not an effective tool when schools are able to manipulate the accountability system. Referencing claims like those made by Swanson (2003), Chiang (2009) argues that accountability systems within schools properly constructed and maintained make educational reforms more likely to generate test score gains. So, even if in fact American secondary schools are failing their students in terms of the students’ long-term benefits, improved accountability systems within schools will lessen the impact of environmental circumstances that decrease student performance. Fo r instance, in some cases, sanction threats prompted schools to increase spending on instructional technology, which improved student performance. Knowing that accountability is the best solution for making sure secondary schools do not fail their students, one might compare that result with additional studies where accountability is a problem

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Famous Metaphysical Poet Essay Example for Free

A Famous Metaphysical Poet Essay Andrew Marvell was a famous Metaphysical Poet. Marvell lived from 1621 to 1678 and made a few accomplishments, his poem has unique style and theme for his time, and his poem contains a deep analysis. He wrote several love poems; â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† was one of his most unusual poems for the time in history which he lived. Born on March 31, 1621, in Winestead-in-Holderness, Yorkshire, England Marvell was the son of an Anglican clergy man. He attended Hull Grammar school, and at the age of 12 began college at Cambridge University. He earned his bachelor’s degree in 1638, but it is believed that he stayed at Cambridge until 1641 for a master’s degree. Not much is known about Andrew Marvell’s life; though scholars do know in the 1650s he had a part in the English Government. In 1657 He was appointed Assistant Latin Secretary to the Council of the state; in 1659 he concentrated more on political satire and stopped writing poetry. During Marvell’s life time England’s government had some surprising changes. Monarchy and parliament worked together, but King James I did not have the skill to manage a country, but the government gained more issues when his son, Charles I succeeded him. King Charles I was overthrown and beheaded. England wanted to establish a new government, after doing so; Charles II was made King of England. Marvell died on August 16, 1678 due to a fever. â€Å"While he is not thought to be married, shortly after his death, a woman claiming to be his widow published a volume of his poetry† (Ruby 276). He was one of the chief wits and satirists, a Puritan, and a public defender of individual liberty during his time. Today he is just known for his poetry. (Margoliouth, Sackville-West, Hunt, Murray, Toliver, Legouis, Wallace, Friednreich, Donno. 1) In the 1600s Marvell’s poem â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† was seen as â€Å"obscene and obscure† because of his message in the poem, and the control the church had over the people. Marvell is considered to have been a carpe diem writer, and sometimes described as a metaphysical poet. Carpe diem means the writing style encourages a reader to â€Å"seize the day† because life is short; Metaphysical poets use many unique metaphors and were very appreciated for their originality. Jeffrey Karon states â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† may be one of Marvell’s most destructive poems. â€Å"Its strength is that having turned against itself in the expected manner of ironic poems, it then turns against its own internal objections† (Karon par. 39). In the poem, the speaker describes how he could worship his mistress forever; however part two the tone shifts to time rushing past and the mistress’s physical beauty being wasted away with it. The speaker wants to beat time and enjoy his mistress’s company. There are many different themes in â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† such as time, love, passion, seduction, beauty, and death. This poem is of forty-six lines, and three paragraphs dividing up the rhyming couplets. Marvell used personification, hyperboles, and very bizarre metaphors. The speaker is speaking to his mistress in a rhetorical situation. He passionately describes his love for her and there is not enough time to live to show her how beautiful she is, and how great his love is for her. He wants his love with his mistress to go further by getting intimate with each other, although she wants to save her virginity due to her religious views with the church. He informs her if their love is true and they are in love, they should further their relationship. The woman is said to be coy because she is taking too much time, and time doesn’t stop for anyone. â€Å"’To His Coy Mistress’ is a sublime example of a carpe diem poem, a Latin phrase meaning ‘seize the day’† (Adams par. 8). The first two lines of the poem the main theme, time, is introduced to the reader. It is basically saying life passes quickly and one should not waste their youth, that they should â€Å"seize the day. † The first paragraph of the poem the speaker describes how life is too short for them to waste time. He uses exotic metaphors such as, â€Å"vegetable love† to describe how long he could love his mistress. Beginning at line seven until line eighteen he uses hyperboles to describe the amount of years he could love her and devote to worship her. He describes her physical attractiveness and how long he could love every part of her body and of course her heart. In paragraph two the speaker goes from speaking of his love for his mistress to imagining her grave. He speaks of time as the driver in a chariot hurrying closer to them; he uses â€Å"hurrying† to the show the distress of the little time they have. A few lines down in this paragraph, he describes to his mistress her virginity will eventually over time mean nothing, and when she dies it will be an unusual and worthless treasure. In the first few lines of third and final paragraph the speaker describes his mistress as â€Å"morning dew† saying she is young and her skin a healthy glow just like the dew over the grass in the early morning. Another exotic metaphor he uses is â€Å"birds of prey. † He and his mistress are the birds, and they are preying on time. They want to eat and not be eaten. The speaker finally breaks through and wins his mistress over using the last few lines of the poem. He is saying to her they should take every part of themselves, the strong, the sweet, and the vulnerable, roll it up into a ball and come together as one to beat time. Since they cannot make the sun stay still they will race with him, the speaker using personification and making the sun seem like a person literally racing with him. Marvell was not acknowledged for his unique, but brilliant poems until after his death, he changed the meaning of Metaphysical Poet. Marvell made a few accomplishments, his poems usually had unique style and theme for his time, and his poem contains a deep analysis. This could be a perfect poem for someone interested in love poems with deep meaning.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Value chain analysis at air asia

Value chain analysis at air asia Air Asia is the second Malaysian national airline which provides a totally different types of service called low cost no frills. Their vision is to provide affordable price to all worldwide travellers with minimum in-flight service.thier price is slightly lower than to any other full service airlines. Before 2001 Air Asia fails to capture market or attract new customer due to its poor operation against the full fledge service given by Malaysian airlines which was supported by Malaysian government. Turning point of Air Asia was in 2001 when this loss making company bought by Tony Fernandez. Air Asia re-launched in Malaysia in late Air Asia re-launched in Malaysia in late 2001, with low cost domestic airlines. Value Chain Analysis: PRIMARY ACTIVITIES: The primary activities in Porters Value Chain are as follows INBOUND LOGISTICS: As inbound logistics involves different categories in air line industry for example how to schedule flights, keeping an eye on their competitors that what strategy they are adopting how to sustain in market, and how to cut off their price as they manage fuel efficiency by purchasing it advance when prices are low, and how to plan routes as they mostly plan short routes so that their costs are low. OUTBOUND LOGISTICS: As air Asia mostly uses their operations through online as their ticketing process is totally online and customer can get their tickets book online and they can also print their boarding card from their homes, Air Asia uses general electric engine for their customer safety as customers are the main preference of the company. SALES MARKETING: Air Asia has a strong brand name, now days marketing have a significant impact on any organizations sales, so Air Asia do advertisement by sponsoring The amazing race, and famous Manchester untied (mu) football club, painting some of its aircraft with club colours and sports star, and most importantly chief executive Fernandes himself wear Air Asia official red cap and T shirt in almost every official function. SERVICES: Now a days retaining a customer is a difficult task so to over come this Air Asia provide different type of services to its customer like if flight is delayed by more then three hours then u$ 61 e-gift voucher is given, passenger can also pre-book their checked baggage for a lower rate, and customers can also online book hotels, hostels, rent a car and medical services. SUPPORT ACTIVITIES: The value chain analysis has some$ support activities as well. The support activities that Air Asia has to follow in order to keep their business clean and operational are; FIRM INFRASTRUCTURE: Air Asia has a strong firm infrastructure they have evolved from a classic lcc into an integrated service provider, they are focusing towards their goals, they are providing the cheapest fare, they are exploring new markets, and decision making process is simple. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Air Asia hire capable workers ,and they assign multi skilled people so that they can over come their price in term of human resource and can maintain their company mission of low price airline , and they also compensate their employees in terms of performance. TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT: Air Asia uses different type of technology to minimize its cost and to make their operation easy and efficient, they are using yield management system (YMS) which takes into account the operating cost and expected revenues, and they also use computer reservation system (CRS) as it is web-based reservation and inventory system as it is a direct sale engine which eliminates the middle man, and they also implemented enterprise resource planning system (ERP) which helps to save the time at month end closing, and speed up reporting and data retrieval processes. Value Chain Analysis Diagram: KEY ISSUES REGARDING OPERATIONS OF AIR ASIA IT Problem: Customer are facing problem regarding booking tickets online, because their system are not up to date if the flight delay or cancelled they dont have any system showing intimation to the customers. Some time cards are not accepted by the system for payment, this may create trouble for the passenger to purchase. Government intervention: With growing demands of low cost carrier, Air Asia started penetrating more routes and tie up with more airports for Example In Singapore, Air Asia wanted to start the flights from the southern state of Johor, keeping in mind to attract the passengers by providing free bus service to the city state. Singapore government did not allow providing bus link to Air Asia by saying it was not her national interest. Government fears to lose the changi airport business, if Air Asia came with that service, this suffer a huge loss to Air Asia. Operating cost increased:- Being a low cost carrier, there is always a threat either from other LCC or the full service airlines to compete each other, in order to beat the rivals, Air Asia came up with value added service to the customers like internet check in service, with this one can enjoy printing their own boarding pass online, Air Asia not only give low cost tickets but also provide other financial services like travel insurance, holiday packages, booking services for hotels, car rental, and Citibank -Air Asia credit card. To maintain this type of services required huge amount. This increased the operating cost by producing value added service High Labour cost:- With increase in demand of low cost carrier, and expansion of air route, there is always need to recruit new member too give better service for smooth operation, it is now very difficult to hire people with low cost, payment should varies differ to different industries. Being a low cost carrier, profit margin is only 30% of Air Asia Maintenance Hub: As Air Asia does not have its own maintenance and repair facility, as by passage of time and increase in number of planes from 3 to 100 planes currently and about more 100 planes to received next year, so not having their proper maintenance hub it cost a lot to the company . Limited Human Resource: As to maintain it low cost competitive advantage Air Asia goes with limited human resources so if some irregular situation comes then it is difficult to handle the situation. Flight Delay: As when their flights are delayed then there is no proper channel to communicate to the customer or customer is not inform earlier Fuel Prices: Due to rising in fuel prices, the air line industry effects a lot in that case the operational activities of Air Asia also adversely effected. RECOMMENDATION: Air Asia is focusing on low cost and no frills to be on right direction with fulfilling the organization goals. To compete with the market challenges and to face them following are some of the recommendations to enhance the operational activities. New IT System Implementation: The company should implement IT system strongly because the business of Air Asia is heavily depending on internet, therefore they should apply Advance Planning and Scheduling system (APS). As APS system is capable in optimising operational planning, scheduling supplier portal, inventory planning, and demand per costing, maintenance management and route profitability which will help them to compete in the low cost market. Staff Training: Air Asia is hiring multi skill people, In case of difficult situation they should train their staff, Human Resource Development should take necessary steps by updating their employees through on job training as it will cost effective. Joint venture with different low cost airlines: As air Asia is a low cost air line so to maintain and to keep their customer stick with them they should go for alliances with different airlines so that they can get access to different routes, and their cost should be low as well as there are different companies like virgin blue who want to extend service who want to extend service to south east Asia, therefore air Asia can have a joint venture with them. Self Maintenance : As to maintain the mission of the Air Asia as a low cost carrier and no frill, it is has to focus from different aspects, maintenance and overhauling of the aircraft is the major Operating activity, for that Air Asia needs its own hub and maintenance staff rather relying on outsourcing. Initially it is costly but in the long run this investment would be feasible for the airline. Flight delay: To satisfying the customer is the basic importance for the service industry, if the flight is cancel or delayed the management should inform passenger on time or apologize by explaining the valid reason. Frequent flyer programme: Loyalty programme should be introduce for the passengers who frequently flying with Air Asia in order to retain them and airline should involve the loyal customer with the new upcoming offers. Additional Services: Air Asia should introduce member lounge to treat their frequent passengers and they should provide extra entertainment through nominal charges to make better impact of airline. Air Asia also has to start in flight entertainment during short haul flights on customer demand. SWOT ANALYSIS OF AIR ASIA : Strength: They have strong relationship with government and political leaders to operate smooth function. They have good management team who work efficiently with strong utilisation of IT, so that each and every customer can book tickets online by choosing easy method. Air Asia penetrates more and more market because of their low cost mentality, this help them to become low cost leader in Asia pacific region. With strong working relationship with government bodies can help them to work smoothly in the country For example: working with Thai Prime Minister Mr.Thaksin Shinawatra who holds 50% stake in the company help Air Asia to capture good market in Thailand. Weakness: Air Asia dont have their own maintenance hub, initially they started for few planes to maintain. By the passage of time, they have come up with 100 planes, but in future they are expecting another 100 planes. So they will be facing to maintain all the planes at a time. It is one of the big disadvantages not to have their own maintenance hub. Second problem with Air Asia is one cannot change their, if it is delayed or get refund for the same and also charging more on baggages to cut the cost of fuel. Because of limited staff they cannot handle the problematic situation when arise. By providing low cost they fail to provide basic service to the customers in order to maintain the profit margin. Opportunities:- Explore more on Asian markets; there are Asian cities with population of more than 1 million which are middle class, so they are targeting more on middle class people. Joint venture with virgin blue group. This group want to extend their service to South East Asia, so Air Asia can have joint venture with virgin blue group to capture more markets with them. Increasing oil price which can be threat to all airline industry. But Air Asia doesnt have their customers already enjoying low price irrespective oil price goes up or down. Due to increase in growing demand of Air Asia customers. Prospects generates for new routes for customers and more numbers of airport deals. Threats: Some charges like Air departure, landing cost security charges are not in control of airlines operators. This threat is for all airlines but especially to those airlines who are keeping their rates very low. Full service airlines can enter any time by reducing their cost. Because profit margin of Air Asia is 30% which is very less as compare to any other full service airlines. Problem may occur due to heavily depend online sales, like disruption or any other fault can happen to system which may result directly on sales. There will be lack of confidence among customers due to terrorist attack, accident, government policy etc.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Small Business, Non-profit Organizations, and E-commerce :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Small Business, Non-profit Organizations, and E-commerce Small business firms and non-profit organizations can seize the opportunities that the Internet offers. The number of Internet users worldwide exceeded 150 million in 1999, and this number is expected to quadruple in a few years. These users are a vast market for organizations offering products or services on web sites. Firms such as and eBay have exploited this market, growing from nothing to giants in less than a decade. Naturally, many small firms want to get in on the action by establishing their own web sites. Other organizations, such as professional associations, want to use web sites to recruit members and create an Internet presence enhancing both their members' reputation and marketability. What is the best way for them to proceed? A boutique might be very competent at acquiring clothes that float off the rack. Each professional member of a not-for-profit association might co-ordinate the activities of hundreds of people. However, designing, constructing, maintai ning, and managing an Internet site requires technical expertise and capital these organizations don't necessarily have. Can the government assist by providing information and financing to organizations wanting to enter cyberspace (Canada, Western Economic Diversification)? To compete with the big players on the Internet, small businesses and non-profits, with help from the government, can contract with experienced web-consulting firms to supply the programming and computer skills to ensure delivery of a web site for a reasonable price. Although primarily an economic phenomenon, electronic commerce forms part of a broader process of social change, characterized by the globalisation of markets, the shift towards an economy based on knowledge and information, and the growing prominence of all forms of technology in everyday life (OECD Economic 143). The Internet has hastened the globalization of markets. A few decades ago, only the multi-national corporations sold products worldwide. "Today, for a few thousand dollars, anyone can become a merchant and reach millions of consumers world-wide" (OECD Economic 10). Unfortunately, Canadian small businesses are not embracing e-commerce as ardently as American firms. Many domestic firms have neither the investment capital nor the technical knowledge to seize the opportunities the Internet offers. Consequently, Canadian firms lag behind American firms. While the American economy is ten times larger than Canada's, American venture capital investment in the Internet was 36 times larger last year ("E-business Acceleration"). Although the Canadian government is making an effort to encourage e-commerce (Canada, Industry Canada, The Canadian Electronic), some firms paid exorbitant prices for e-commerce sites that are not profitable because they lacked accurate information on the cost of constr ucting web sites.

Friday, October 11, 2019

National University of Singapore Personal Statement

Having a degree is one of the most admired achievements in the life of an individual. It is the basis of how your future will be. If you have a nice and much known degree then you have the greater chances of being hired the moment you graduate. I chose to apply Business Management and Communications and News Media in this University for I believe that National University of Singapore is going to help me build my future and dreams through their much established curriculum and high standards.I know that Business Management and Communications and News Media really fit me for the reason that I have lots of experience that has polished my character, intelligence and attitude. I chose Psychology because I believe that this can help me have a brighter future. Basically, this course is a lot of fun. Studying business, about how to communicate effectively and things about News Media would also help me develop the attitude or the character on how to deal with people in such a manner that is we ll educated and proper. Having a degree in this course will help me get the best job being offered in the society. I know having this degree will let me become more productive.There were certain experiences I have had in relevance with my chosen course. One of those was when I was part of the play, The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde; where in I was Gwendolyn, one of the main characters. I have always loved theater, especially acting. Gwendolyn Fairfax in this play portrayed a conservative Victorian. She always aims on being intellectually updated, where in she upgrades her skills and knowledge by attending conventions and the like. But the only thing is that she isn’t true. She was not her real self, she was just acting out what she thinks would be good and acceptable.Gwendolyn in this play is a strong willed and aggressive woman for what she feels she expresses it immediately. She was an epitome of grace and beauty among women. I can very much connect with Gwendo lyn; I know what my principles and values are. I never compromise my reputation. I am also strong willed and assertive in the sense that when I know that I am on the right track, I am never afraid to go and pursue it. All the qualities that Gwendolyn has that I can easily relate like her being strong willed, assertive but still compose and decent, applies to my chosen course.Through this experience I had in the play, was just one of the stepping stone for me to polish my character or attitude especially with regards to being patient. Being patient with my co- members in the play and the long time hours in practicing the play in order to come up with the best. I never settle for less. I always want to achieve the best. I never want mediocrity. I believe I can apply all these values in my chosen course.I am also teaching in our Sunday school in a local church. I am teaching children ranging from 6 – 9 yrs old. Through this experience I never forget that Religion is also importa nt. It was important before but it is much important today.Religion involves the relationship between mankind and what is regarded as sacred. Religion almost always includes the belief in the supernatural and a code of ethical behavior. Why do men suffer? What is the nature of the Universe and how it is governed? What is the nature of man and what is his destiny? Religion tries to answer the questions of ultimate existence and of life and death and human and destiny. Many religions hold the universe is governed by God. Through religion man may see meaning in the universe and find a personal role in it.Thousands of years ago, religion played a very vital role in the lives of the people. Even thought that time things were not that so complicated not like now, people still has a closer connection to God. People then put a greater emphasis on going to church, fellowshipping with their brother’s and sister’s and in maintaining their relationship with their creator.As of now , in our present times I think that Religion is ten times important than it was before. As the modern world is evolving and is now being introduced to different kinds of beliefs and theories that could likely shake our foundation of faith for God. The basis and the only foundation of our faith is Jesus Christ. We must hold on to him more especially these days that there are many deceivers out there that are being used by the enemy to destroy us and to keep us away from the loving arms of God.When we don’t have a strong foundation of our relationship to God, we can easily yield to the temptations and offerings that Satan will present to us, like the technology of today. If we don’t know how to control the usage of technology of today, we can be manipulated and controlled by it. That is just one of the tactics of Satan to let us fall into the pit he is preparing for us, for us to be kept away from God’s destiny for us.We are free to choose what we want to do, but we are not free to determine if what he have chosen is good or evil, right or wrong. Our choices may be good or bad insofar as they conform to God’s divine and eternal law and the imperatives which are made known to us through the mediation of conscience that God has bestowed in spirits. In my life I have made many decisions that brought great changes to me as an individual. There are times that I am very doubtful to make a choice especially in a very hard situation. But whenever I am in doubt to make a choice, I just listen to my conscience for me to determine and scrutinize what is really the right thing for me to do.A mature moral decision is not only a decision to make a good deed that â€Å"we ought to do† but also a â€Å"choice made in good faith to make what we want ourselves to be†.   The dignity of the human person implies and demands the rectitude of the moral conscience; that is, it’s being based on truth, which is God’s word. One mus t seriously seek a right conscience or, in other words, one must try to make sure one’s moral judgment is right. This can be achieved by diligently learning the laws of moral life through spiritual formation, asking God for light through a fervent prayer, removing the obstacles to right judgment such as habitual moral disorder or bad habits, and lastly is examining yourself.As I grew up and experienced lots of circumstances, I have now a more grown up approach of making choices. I just do not base my decisions with my feelings at that very moment. I see to it, that whatever outcome after I have made my move, I will still be strong and able to stand up. I will be able to stand firm with my decision. I see to it that it will have more advantages than the disadvantages. I weigh the pros and cons of every circumstance that I am into in which I am task to decide things with. I have learned that not all delightful things are right, for there are also hurtful and unpleasant things t hat turned out right also.Making moral decisions demands maturity and responsibility. To seek to understand reality, to be attentive to the wisdom of the past, to discern the biases and demands of a particular situation- all these efforts are required of a matured individual. Through this experience that I had as a Sunday school teacher, I am able to impart my knowledge about my faith in God towards those who do not know him. In relation to my chosen course, it will help me not compromise especially when graduate from Business Management and Communications and News Media. It will help me become an efficient worker in the area that I will be assigned. I can be a model towards those who are educated yet do not know their real purpose and the intent of their chosen field.I also participated in a national racing competition and won 3rd place. It was my first racing competition where I competed with fifty plus racers, most of them were men. But I still succeeded them because of my drive to win. I never thought that I am weak because I am a woman. I proved them wrong, as I also loved sports. I am a multi tasked individual, I can balance things that I am very much inclined with like in the Academics and Sports.Through the competition, I have proved to myself that I can also do what others can achieve. That gender can not dictate you from achieving, from dreaming. If you want to, then you should have the great drive and interest. I like competition and I do not give up until I will win a fight. It gives a feeling of satisfaction and contentment. My self- esteem is leveled higher whenever I succeed a competition. For me it instigates my willingness to thrive more and work hard, for me not to be put to shame.I am also a hardworking individual, which is why I won the third place in the competition because I was diligent in practicing. I beat all of those men in the contest, even if they were men and symbolized strength, I still conquer them because I was very much eager to win and make others proud of me. I was very much encouraged to go and fight them. like in my chosen degree, I know I am going to meet obstacles or travails as I go along my studies but with the integrity and willingness that I have, I know I am going to survive the hindrances or difficulties I will be meeting along the way.I am a very social person, so my chosen course just fits me that much because in business and communication, one needs to have the ability to go along well with other; that is to socialize; to be able to fit into different groups, or social classes and different types of character. I am a risk taker, especially when I know that I am going to succeed in the end. I am willing to risk things, but on the other hand, I am willing to fight for it too.I like to try new things, things that excite me, like achieving. Having to achieve new thing, I know can bring felicity to my family. Like I said, I never settle for low quality. I always want the best of everything. For I believe that whatever your output is, totally reflects you. So when your output is of low quality, people will see you as an under achiever; a person who only settles for less.I am much interested to be in this degree because I know that National University of Singapore provides one of the best educations I can ever find. They don’t just focus on the academics but also with the totality of the being of their students. They set standards that other Universities do not have. I know I am going to have a great future ahead of me in this institution. I will always have this gratitude in my heart towards National University of Singapore because through them individuals who dreams of having jobs, those highly paid jobs can now fulfill their dreams. Those individuals will be given the hope to dream, and have a bountiful life while having the qualities of a good individual being admired by the society around him.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Organizational Influences Essay

_Abstract_ This paper will attempt give explanation to the organizational influences in the workplace that can cause an increase level of stress due to ethical-type decisions and technological advances. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that leadership commitment to excellence begins with the way information is outlined and how decisions directly affect the morale and overall perception of an organization. Hopefully, this paper will succeed in placing value into the critical decisions necessary to develop a strong lasting workforce that is intended to make a positive impression economically and reasonable for an effective learning business environment. _Ethics on Decision Making_ So what is ethical? This _ethical_ argument has had scholars constantly debating to find the real meaning for generations. It is not expected to  understand truly the inner-workings of ethics in this paper; however, as critical as it may seem it is something that needs constant questioning in order to bring out the best quality in everyone to support the organization’s interests. Putting this into perspective at its simplest form, asking what is right or wrong, good or bad would be a good start. Take for instance the value of integrity, an ethical influence on decision making, can affect how the organization is perceived though the public eyes and the networking impact with other organizations. To include ethical qualities in decision making is not exclusive to the private sector, it also requires participation from organizations in the public sector – as in the U.S.Army. Americans pay tribute to Soldiers everyday as they fight for the freedoms that they so much enjoy. As they make very difficult decisions everyday, concerning life or death situations, they follow what is called the Seven Army Values. Among them is integrity; which is described as _Do what’s right, legally, and morally_. This is important for Soldiers to understand this meaning because everything that is done and accomplished is in a teamwork effort that ultimately affects the organization. The success of the mission is heavily reliant to trusting and knowing each other. After working with each other for some time, they find comfort in knowing that in tough situations, individuals can count on their team members for assistance and to _pick up the pieces_. This brings out the quality that is needed to further support the spirit that needs embracing; which creates the ethical quality necessary to keep the team integrity intact. Leaders of all levels have goals and expectations of each other in the business environment which should be clearly defined to our teams. Unfortunately, this is not always the case which weakens the expected ethical quality. When establishing a plan with a clear vision, the fundamental premise of the plan is that each member has an obligation to act in the best interest of the organization and in support of its mission, and must not allow outside activities or financial interests interfere with those obligations. This is a real condition that has huge ramifications because the mere appearances if improper behavior can render unethical acts,  thus opening the door for unwelcome publicity to an organization. Take for instance the recent dealings between Halliburton and the U.S. government. Vice-President Cheney previously served as chief executive officer of Halliburton, a Dallas oil-services giant, which he is currently receiving deferred compensation which the government would not â€Å"specify how large his payment will be this year or how long the payments will continue† (Lazarus 2002). The perceived ethical conflict is clear for it de-values the principles of an organization that is wishes to uphold. This value is integrity, either legal or not, it is a principle that affects an organization’s morale which has a deeper connection of how an organization will further network with others in the pursuit of strategic growth. _Affects of Technology on Stress_ There is no question that technology has changed the way we do business- which includes communications and deliverables. As a result, there are service demands from partners and consumers that must be fulfilled in order to keep competitive and reliability in the fast paced networking environment. Therefore, the technology we rely on adds stress to any organization that wishes to progressively look into improving their efficiency and effectiveness. The advancements in technology is intended to facilitate production and minimize operations costs in order to keep up with the increasing demands. However, with the growing trends of demand and technology, valuable training to use newer forms of technology became a second priority. In addition, people are spending less time with family and working longer hours which have also increased the work-related stress levels. A research conducted by the Kensington Technology Group (1999) stated that â€Å"51 percent of them (employees) report that the possibility of losing documents due to computer crashes† is also a factor to work-related stress. Due to this trend in organizational behavior, the leadership in any organization must realize that they must proactively discuss the usage of technological practicality and not always assume employees will directly complain about work-related stress caused by technological advancements. The leadership team must establish a caring-system for its employees because it ultimately affects their productivity and bottom-line. The operations of the  organization rely on fresh-progressive minds that cannot function under immense levels of poor judgment that results in poor customer care. Some signs that include â€Å"lower commitment, increased conflict and absenteeism† (Davies, 2005) are indicators that employees are not focused on organizational goals, but rather on finding ways to survive another day. _Leadership Responsibilities_ As organizational leaders understand that technological advancements is the way of the competitive future, one of the first steps to ensure competitiveness is to furnish and properly train their employees with that technology. In doing so, initiating new systems into the workplace must be communicated in ways that explains why the changes are necessary allowing the opportunity to minimize any confusion or misinterpretation that is intended to build a stronger and more efficient organization. The importance of training employees in technological usage makes simple business sense. According to the National Small Business Association (NSBA, 2006) it estimates â€Å"one-third of companies (37%) are engaged in e-commerce, including 52% of businesses in the retail industry and 50% of those in manufacturing†; meaning that the use of technology is a critical component of networking, coordinating and marketing to the wide range of consumers. Of the organizations surveyed by NSBA, 89% of them will rely on technological advancements for strategic growth. Setting an internal training program is an option that can create an enhanced and developed employee on technical skills necessary to focus on potential organizational needs rather than reacting to increased stress levels and technological support concerns. _Conclusion_ The information provided by this paper demonstrates the necessity of competent leaders to measure influential effectiveness of a decision by creating an optimal working environment that would facilitate a long lasting impression for future opportunities. Therefore, ethical decision making and leveraging mitigating stress factors is a way to minimize negative impacts that yield high organizational costs such as reduction of effort by  employees to complete tasks, perceptions and strategic support that would otherwise be a fundamental business approach for success. Reference: Bodwell, D.J. (2002). High performance teams. Retrieved October 12, 2007, from the High Performance Teams Website: Davies, R. (2005). Don’t stress. Engineering Management, 15(1), p 20-23. Retrieved October 14, 2007, from University of Phoenix EBSChost Database Kensington Technology Group. (1999). Technology increases workplace stress, tipping the scales of work-life balance. BusinessWire. Retrieved October 12, 2007, from the BusinessWire Website:,+Tipping+the+Scales+of+†¦-a055407271 Lazarus, David (2002). Conflict of interest for vice president? Retrieved October 12, 2007, from the San Francisco Chronicle Website: McCracken, T. & Willey, G.(2007). NSBA: survey of small and mid-sized businesses. National Small Business Association. Retrieved October 14, 2007, from

“Lord of the Flies” William Golding Scenes Essay

In an essay about his novel â€Å"Lord of the Flies†, William Golding wrote: â€Å"The boys try to construct a civilisation on the island; but it breaks down in blood and terror because the boys are suffering from the terrible disease of being human†. Discuss your own response to the novel in light of this statement. When the boys all arrive on the island, due to their plane crashing while on the way to be evacuated, they find themselves in beautiful surroundings, a place which appears to be completely uninhabited with only them, no girls or adults. While on the island they attempt to establish a society among themselves. Quite early on in the novel the reader is introduced to the three main characters of Golding’s novel, Ralph, Jack and Piggy, and immediately we are struck with their contrasting personalities, which shape the way things turn out on the island from the very beginning. As soon as they’re on the island Piggy and Ralph discover the conch, a shell that becomes both the boys’ only symbol of hope and democracy. When they first discover it in the sea, and finally retrieve it, it is Piggy, who first suggests the idea of using it to call a meeting, â€Å"We can use this to call the others. Have a meeting.† This is the first attempt to organise things on the island. Once a meeting is called we see straight away the contrast in the two boys of which contention for leadership will hang. Jack Merridew appears to be stronger, more outspoken, determined and his strict ruling is seen when ruling over his choir, as head chorister. Demonstrating his authority to the rest of the group as if presenting them with a warning, showing them that people will obey him, even it was unenthusiastic, monotonous obedience, and that he has that power over this small group of choir boys. His society of which we later see, is not one of democracy, unlike Ralph’s, but a dictatorship, held together by fear. Demonstrating Ralph’s nature and ideas, â€Å"Seems we ought to have a chief to decide things† He continues to pursue his original ideas of getting some kind of order within the group, but immediately, after hearing the mention of chief, Jack Merridew takes it upon himself to assume that he should be chief. This complete arrogance and assumption displayed by Jack creates the first tension between Jack and Ralph, although Jack seems to have forgotten they are no longer in a normal, civilised environment of home, but stranded on a desert island, in the need to be rescued. In order to make a fair decision, it is a vote which decides who will be chief on the island, although Jack seems the obvious leader, it is Ralph’s authoritative silence and the fact that he has the conch, which seems to win him the title of chief. Despite Jacks obvious embarrassment of being declined the right to be chief, â€Å"Jack’s face disappeared under a blush of mortification.† Ralph through his kind-heartedness and generosity feels it necessary to offer Jack something, â€Å"The choir belongs to you of course.† This perhaps in a peace offering, or rather to prevent later disruption of peace due to Jacks obvious annoyance at not being chief. Jack decides that his responsibility of the choir will become hunters. We see that later this is one of the greatest weapons that Jack uses in order gain more people into his society or â€Å"tribe†, by the fact that he has that power to determine whether they get meat or not. Ralph begins to think what needs to be done on the island, and starts to set tasks and rules. Now apparent to the reader that Ralph the new chief of the group has begin to set up some sort of society, one which is fair, orderly and democratic – a civilisation, an attempt to mimic the society which he, and the rest of the group were brought up in and so used to. â€Å"We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all, we’re not savages. We’re English†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This is a good indication of Ralph’s society, the one he wants to try and create as well as the one he came from. In order to form this society they are in need of more rules and lots of organisation. Ralph decides that the most important thing on the island would be the fire which they should keep burning at all time, in order for them to have any chance of being rescued, because naturally a rescue is of paramount importance, for all of them, â€Å"We’ve got to have special people for looking after the fire. Any day there may be a ship†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The idea of having a fire burning constantly, is of course a very good idea, but as a lot of the ideas which follow this one, everyone is eager to help initially, but after the excitement and ‘glamour’ wear off, so does interest in the task at hand and the number of people contributing to helping dwindle down to almost nothing, â€Å"When the meeting was over they’d work for five minutes then wander off or go hunting.† This is a prime example of how things deteriorate within society due to the lack of interest and commitment, but we as human beings, are of course the first to complain to others when something is not done. This is demonstrated through the boys, and in the end its Ralph, Piggy, Sam and Eric who are left to complete the jobs. The failure to keep the fire going is another example, â€Å"You let the fire out† This lost them the chance they had of an early rescue, because Jack thought it more necessary to kill a pig over being rescued. One could say that they were so caught up in the moment, at the prospect of having a relatively decent meal, or at least an alternative to fruit, that they did not notice the ship, and forgot to keep the fire going or that they were drawn into partaking in the ritual of killing the pig. Ralph obviously furious at this diminishment of responsibility, a task that is not hard, yet of such great importance was neglected. One could say that the remainder of the rules Ralph sets up in a desperate attempt to create a society of which he leads as a result of democratic voting, slowing diminishes from here onwards, even if it is in the simplest of tasks. Quite obviously if all members of the group worked together, things would happen much more quickly and efficiently because on the island some things can not be done single-handedly, â€Å"How could I, all by myself?† This is another good example of how people sometimes cannot do everything by themselves and require help from others, but as Piggy said, he was unable to gather all the names of the younger children all by himself, so yet again what started off as a sensible idea, failed because of lack of help. I think that this is a good representation of how society needs to work all together in order to achieve things, and that people are unable to achieve this, when they are left to do it by themselves, but because of our natural instinct as human beings, we lose interest in what we are meant to be doing, and more often than not to our own detriment. I think that this is one of the things that Golding is trying to demonstrate to us. But because the two strongest boys on the island – Jack and Ralph, failed to work together and reach an agreement, it lead to a break up involving blood and terror, and eventually a split into two different civilisations. There are further rules that are made on the island in order to create some sort of civilisation on the grounds of basic cleanliness and hygiene, one of which was that the boys would go to the toilet on the rocks, another was that fresh water would be stored in coconut shells, so it was always available. Both these rules seem to disintegrate over a short period of time, however I think one of the most significant signs that their society is breaking down, due to natural human instinct and behaviour, is the building of the shelters. I think the whole process in which this happens, alone represents what is going on throughout the island. When the idea is first suggested everyone joins in with enthusiasm, but slowly the building of the shelters breaks down and there seems to be more important things to do on the island as the boys lose interest, therefore the number of people who are building decreases and with it the level of work and standard of the shelters. â€Å"We all built the first one, four of us the second one, and me ‘n’ Simon built the last one over there† Although at the end of the day, there were only a couple of the boys helping to build the shelters, it is clear that every one of the boys needed to have the shelters, not physically but emotionally, they need somewhere to call ‘home’, to provide them as human beings, that natural desire to feel secure and safe. â€Å"So we need shelters as a sort of – † † Home† This need for security stems from their self – created fear of this beast, that supposedly inhabits the island, and their need to protect themselves from it. As if stepping onto a slippery slope this outlines their rapid downfall, this is seen when Jack evidently forms a ‘tribe’ like group of hunters. This escalates into dancing, singing ritual like songs, and the killing of pigs on the island. Perhaps the most gruesome of the killing of the pigs is when the boys ruthlessly attack a mothering sow and her piglets. A picture of complete innocence, vulnerability and maternal bliss that is unnecessarily disrupted. â€Å"the great bladder of her belly was fringed with a row of piglets that slept or burrowed or squeaked† The reader is presented with such a horrific and violent picture of the blood and terror, that we forget that we are dealing with little boys, the sheer terror displayed by this susceptible and undeserving mother with her offspring, make it very clear how things begin to break up in such a manner, â€Å"the terrified squealing became a high – pitched scream† We question what the motives were to do this, but even as Ralph said shortly after, he himself took part in the role – playing game, by which Robert pretended to be a pig. This activity passes over the boundaries of a game, and Robert is in visible pain, but still the boy’s stab at him with spears. â€Å"The desire to squeeze and hurt was over-mastering† This simple quote could explain why both these terribly abnormal and shocking things take place. It is because human beings are drawn into the sheer excitement of the ‘moment’ and seem to be pulled along with what everyone else is doing; much like what occurs in gang attacks in today’s society. There is a lot of doubt surrounding whether people in the gang would have attacked their same victim if they had been alone. This also applies to the boys. Even the nicest of the group – Ralph is pulled in and feels the need to join in with the game, despite his original hesitant attitude. This displays to us human beings’ natural instinct to explore and also the weakness within us and our lack of ability to ‘stand alone’, and that every one of us have this desire to search and explore as well as lack of mental strength but alone the desire to hurt, and how we would pursue this desire, if given the opportunity. We see the boys’ thrill in killing the sow, in the blood on their hands, and the total exhilaration, â€Å"He giggled and flinked them, while the boys laughed at his reeking palms† This is a disturbing image of the boys taking complete joy in killing her, and even certain sexual connotations which could be linked to their actions, â€Å"wedded to her in lust† This is not how human beings are meant to act but Golding tries to show us the disturbing truth. Golding is showing us the results of this terrible disease that we all suffer from, which is being human. He is trying to demonstrate to us what terrible things human beings do and are capable of. We see it displayed in every day life, in a psychopathic killer for example, whose actions often have sexual links to what he or she does. Even though we see this in everyday life, people are made to see it in this microcosm on the island more clearly, and a question is asked on the island, one that society does not often ask, perhaps because we are too afraid of what the answer might be, â€Å"What makes things break up like they do?† Piggy does ask this question, because he starts to realise things on the island are beginning to deteriorate. Through this microcosm we are reminded of what is going on in the outside world and that there is a war going on outside, it is clear that when the Naval officer comes to rescue them, that human beings are so blind to what is happening around us, we don’t recognise what we are doing, â€Å"I should have thought that a pack of British boys†¦ – would have been able to put up a better show than that†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The Naval officer says this as well as ignorantly, jokingly asks whether people have died, unaware that people have actually died. So the horror starts to emerge. It is ironic that the officer says this, as he does not recognise that he himself, as a British adult is in the same position as these boys and that he too is fighting a war. That the ship that he has come to rescue them in is a battle ship and the reason that these boys were stranded on this island is because their plane was shot down and the maimed remains of their pilot lie on top of the hill, because of the war that he is partaking in. This is why this novel is seen as a fable, because Golding is trying to illustrate to the reader how we don’t see what we are doing to fellow human beings, as well as the world that we live in, and this is because we are human, and sadly we cannot help it. When Simon, the quieter member of the group, goes off by himself, almost as a type of mediation and a search for peace, as an escape from the chaos, which surrounds him. When alone Simon hallucinates, and in this trance, during an imaginary conversation with ‘Lord of the Flies’, demonstrates how close to the truth he comes. He begins to see what’s going on; on the island and that it is only themselves they have to fear. All the terror, which haunts every one of them on the island, is of their own making. It shows there is no beast, the only evil there is, is in humans and the only threat to a beautiful world is humans. â€Å"You knew didn’t you? I’m part of you. Close, close, close! I’m the reason why it’s no go. Why things are what they are.† By writing this, Golding is trying to show the reader that, because we’re human, it is only ourselves we have to fear, because of our natural instinct as human beings, we create what we fear; we alone destroy the world in which we live. All human beings naturally have the power to destruct, and we are the only ones who can stop it. I think that this is what he is trying to say, and has shown it through the boys, through the way that their own civilisation breaks up in blood and terror. In this blood and terror, a war begins to develop between the two societies, which divide the boys. The one is the original democratic society of which Ralph still tries desperately to remain loyal to. The other, which has now developed, is that of Jacks society, which is ruled by fear and threat. He uses his hunting power against them by bribing them with the fact that he is the one that provides them with meat but, as well as providing it, he also has the power, to deny them of it, â€Å"Jack meant to refuse meat as an assertion of power†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Jack unfairly teases the boys with the power he has over them, but eventually he always seems to give it to them. By doing this, the boys respect him, but he also expects them to remain forever grateful for his offering. Bribing them to become a member of his society, â€Å"Who’ll join my tribe and have fun?† Jack is offering fun and excitement, while Ralph is still trying to remind them of and grasp at their old democratic society. Sadly the rest of the boys do not possess enough courage to stand up for their rights and for what they believe in, they cowardly decided to leave Ralph’s group, again possibly due to the weakness of human nature, to go and ‘work’ for Jack. I use the word ‘work’ because in a way this is what the boys find themselves doing- working for this god like figure, which Jack and created for himself. â€Å"the chief has spoken† He is almost worshipped by the boys, and now there is even some sort of taboo surrounding the word ‘Jack’. This unbelievable, yet real, worshipping of Jack is hard to grasp, yet it is because he is the giver of meat. Once again displaying how weak we as human beings are. Even though Ralph doesn’t join Jacks tribe, he does find himself eating the meat. He is embarrassed by this fact, although he is only exercising his human nature, â€Å"He meant to refuse meat but his past diet of fruit and nuts†¦gave him too little resistance.† He loses his will-power when meat is involved because of his hunger, his ideals and morals, seem to fall by the way side for a short amount of time- much like any other human being would do, and he is embarrassed by the fact that he has eaten the meat. This need for food could have been one of the reasons that Piggy and Ralph were involved in killing Simon. But I think the main reason was their natural need for security and safety within a group, after they were left alone, following the departure of the rest of the boys, to follow Jack, they were alone, away from home, overtaken with fear. This fear led them to Jacks part of the island, because they wanted company, they didn’t want to be alone, â€Å"Piggy and Ralph, under the threat of the sky found themselves eager to take a place in this demented but partly secure society† Being human beings they craved refuge and protection even if it was in a mad frenzy of a society. Once there, they found themselves being drawn in and evidently taking part in the killing of one of the kindest boys on the island. This is ironic because this was the boy who was going to save them, to tell them everything was going to be all right and that there was no beast, â€Å"It was crying out against the abominable noise something about a body on the hill.† Golding links the killing of Simon to the crucifixion of Jesus because he too was killed by the very people he was trying to help. But the boys never find out what Simon was going to tell them, because they killed him. This is an example of how even the nicest people can be drawn in, and lead to do unlawful things when under different circumstances, or faced with fear and I think this is what Golding is trying to say. Ralph and Piggy, are quite obviously kind people, but were lead to partake in the killing of Simon, because being in the group nourished their need for security, and as human beings they needed to have this. Another prime example of how cruel human beings can be, and how every person possess this ability to be cruel to other human beings, is when Ralph even though he the kind, generous one tells the rest of the group Piggy’s nickname, â€Å"He’s not fatty – his real names Piggy† Ralph betrays Piggy by telling the rest of the group what his nickname is, after he specifically asked him not to tell anyone. This accentuates how their civilisation has broken up in blood and terror and I think this is why Piggy and Ralph go into a period of denial because they start to see what is happening, but they don’t want to face the truth. Piggy struggles to face reality, making excuses for what happened, and trying to rationalise the situation, â€Å"We was scared! Anything might have happened.† He’s trying to pretend they weren’t part of it that it never happened. This is so like what happens in today’s society, through denial, as a symptom of this disease of being human they try to eradicate what they have done, in the hope that if they ignore it will not affect them. But unfortunately it does, and Ralph faces the horrible realisation of what’s happened and consequently fear reigns. This fear that Ralph starts to fear increases and subsequently turns into complete terror, after his friend Piggy is killed, being the last remaining member of his society, is reduced to an animal. â€Å"they’re going to hunt you tomorrow† Ralph is warned by Sam and Eric in secret, and hears how Jack and is tribe are planning to kill him in the same manner they did the sow, â€Å"Roger sharpened a stick at both ends.† Ralph is terrified, but struggles to understand what they are actually going to do it him, would they really do it? This complete terror is a result of his own people – human beings. He has lost everything that gave him structure and security, including Piggy and now all his can do is concentrate on hiding. â€Å"he wondered if a pig would agree† Ironically in order to survive he is forced to think like a pig, cornered in a desperate attempt to hide as he is hunted down by savages. It is hard to believe that human beings could cause such terror and inflict it on other human beings. This demonstrates to us, how, when things deteriorate, people lose control and when this happens they do have the ability to do such horrific things. This accentuates to the reader just how drastic the break up in their civilisation is and that how the severity of evil rapidly increases over a relatively short period of time. This drastic deterioration is seen just previously to when Ralph himself is hunted, when the boys with whom he co-habits viciously kill Piggy. With Piggy’s death comes the complete and utter destruction of the conch, the last symbol of hope, democracy and rules â€Å"the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist.† This devastation of the conch symbolises the breaking of the comfortable link with any kind of civilisation they might have had and, home. After Piggy’s death Ralph comes to the same realisation that Simon had come to, that it is only themselves they have to fear, that this false creature which put the fear into all of them, does not exist and that humans create their own terror – this is because they are suffering from that terrible disease which seems to possess everyone of us, no matter how old that person is, these boys are only young children who still grasp at old memories of home, â€Å"When you went to bed there was a bowl of cornflakes with sugar and cream.† This is a simple reminder that how ever savage these boys appear to be, they are still children and I think this is why the Naval officer finds it so hard to come to terms with what has happened among them, on the island. The feelings of the officer are also echoed by the reader, as we are all human beings it is hard to accept these t terrible things occur as a result of our human instincts. I think that Golding is trying to tell people and to show them, to make them see what human beings really are. This is why it is a fable because William Golding is trying to demonstrate to the world through this microcosm on the island what is happening after seeing it first hand, fighting in the war himself he saw the blood and terror, the killing and devastation human beings are capable of and because of this it has left him with very significant feelings and exclamations towards the end of his novel; â€Å"Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of mans heart and the fall through the air of the true wise friend called Piggy.† Illustrating how everyone suffers merely as a result of themselves, we only have ourselves to blame and that there is evil, which possesses every human being. It’s a terrible disease, which has hold of every single one of us.